I sigh in surrender, slipping my own eager arms around the back of his head, lifting his hips off the bed, seeking friction because I'm burning. And it's Steve's turn to moan, in that husky, delicious way, inside my mouth, as he rubs himself against me in a way that makes an indecent pleasure run through my womb.

“Oh yeah…” I mutter, lost as he pulls his lips from mine to slide them down my throat, slipping his hand under my shirt and capturing my breast.

“I need to fuck you,” he demands, twisting my nipple and biting my neck as our hips reach out and resent the barrier of clothing.

“That…” I agree, because in the boiling state I'm in, I'd agree to anything Steve asked.

He lets out a grunt of satisfaction and kneels in front of me tearing off his shirt. Dad was right: there really was a good breastplate hidden there. Maybe I should encourage him to pose naked for my dad and keep the pictures for me. I was going to put one in my wallet so I could admire it...

He reaches for my jeans and slides them easily down my legs.

And I'm already kneeling down and reaching for his jeans when I hear a song being sung somewhere. We both stop moving and even breathing as the music gets clearer. It's on my bedroom door and that voice… it's my mother's!

- What?...

I jump up and open the door to see my mother with a drum in her hand as she dances and chants mantras with her eyes closed.

- What the fuck? “I feel Steve's presence right behind me, as stunned as I am.

Mom opens her eyes and smiles.

"Oh, did I disturb you?" Sorry, you can continue...

"What the hell are you doing?"

“It's a fertility dance!

— Fertility? Gone mad?

— Fertility? I mean to… — Steve asks fromwander.

— Yes, to make beautiful babies! “Mom smiles.

"Babies?" “Steve is white as paper.

Oh, shit. Never again would he have sex with me after this shit!

"Mom, what babies?" We're not even married, are you crazy?

"What is it, darling?" “Her attention remains on Steve. "Don't tell me you're one of those men who dread having children?"

- Mom!

- No, I think this is a good time to clarify! Come on, Steve, you're going to want kids, aren't you?

Steve looks like he's going to run away.

— Well, I didn't think…

"Does the idea frighten you?" Does it make you want to flee to Venezuela?

- No of course not.

- So you want to have children?

“Well, hypothetically speaking, I think so, one day…

- How many? - Mom insists, serious.

Ah, for the love of the goddess!

— Mom, that's enough, don't you think? You better go to sleep! We don't need any fertility dances right now.

“Oh, that's right… And the mating dance?

- No!

“Okay, so at least keep those scented candles! — She takes two candles and puts them in Steve's hand — And if you like, we have a version
updated from the Kama Sutra and…

An Unexpected EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now