18- Loving the Mother

Start from the beginning

Then there was slence, "It's been seven years, Alex, what have you been doing?"

So I began describing what life is like on olympus and my training.

But then my phone began ringing. I forgot that I had put it in my shirt pocket before leaving my room. I slid it up and saw it was Nico.

"Who is it?" my mom asked, seemingly concerned.

"Its this boy-" I began.

"Boyfriend?" my mom asked hopefully.

I laughed, "No, not really," Yet I have kissed him, the voice in the back of my head said,

I picked up the phone and exhaled. I waited to hear his voice.

'Alex. Where are you? Did I hurt you? I'm worried, please tell me." he said quickly. Something in my stomch flurred thinking that he does really care about me.

"No, I'm fine. Its just I had a flashback and I-I needred to return to home and-"

"Home?" he asked, wanting an explanaition.

"Yes home, I'm at Percy's apartment with my mom and-"

"And your so dead aren't you,the gods will kill you." he emphasized.

"Oh, geez , death boy, like you aren't already dead for nowing we exist."

"Haha,v ery funny. I'll be there in a second." he siad.

"Wait-no, Nico don't" but it was too late he hung up.

I moaned putting down the phone.

"What's wrong?" mom asked.

I explained everything, that Nico and I had been talking and that he kissed me. And that I had a flashback and ran here and he's worried about.

"Ahh, that's so sweet, who is he?" she asked excited that I kissed someone.

"Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades."

"Ah, yes, he comes to Percy's birthdays, they're friends."

But then I explained the rules that he shouldn't be there and how I shouldn't be here.

She thought for a moment," Well, I think those rules are ridiculous, I wish you would have visited sooner,"

And at that point there was a light knock on the door. I sighed rubbing my temple, he did really come.

"Styx. Alex," he exclaimed, now banging on the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked swinging open the door

he grabbed my hand and I blushed at the contact.

"We need to go now, just for a text from Bianca asking where I was and that 'Alex is missing'"

"God's, you and I are in so much trouble," I mumbled. Then I turned back to my mom, a look of worry on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll try to be back. " I assured her. And with that Nico and I disappeared into shadows.

Shadow traveling, in my opinion was awesome, feeling the cold air push against my skin and the darkness creating figures,.

We arrived right outside the throne room on Olympus, wich I found suitable.

The isntant we arrived I noticed we were still holding hands, but I didnt pull away, not yet. I waited until he noticed we were still holding hands and stared at me contently, as if he liked it. So there we stood holding hands, until I could no longer bare the uncomfortablness (A/N: yes its a word) of holding hands and I removed my hand hastily.

"Sorry." he mumbled.

"No, its fine. I like it," I patically whispered. He nodded, unsure what else to say.

"Okay, well, how are we going to sneak back in?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, "We don't need to sneak back in we just need to come up with a great lie."

"Okay, so I was picking some clothes up from my apartment. And you were..."

"I was-" I began but got interrupted .

"Talking to me." a woman stalked up toward us. I reached for my necklace, Nico reaching into swirling shadows.

But I moaned realising who it was, Aphrodite.

"Lady Aprhodite," Nico growled, proving he loathed her. I gave him a look, trying to tell him to hide or something.

"Well, hello, Mr. di Angelo. Mrs. Jackson." she greeted. Aphrodite currently had warm brown eyes, dark but warm. Like Nico's. Her hair keeped flickering between black and her natural color of brown.

"What is it, lady." I asked frustrated.

"Oh, just a few minor things." she began. "I am cursious, Nico, what are you doing up here?"

"I-I" he stuttered. I elbowed him in the chest, to tell him to say anything but the truth. But Aprhodite's magic was too strong.

"You're here because you like Alex, is that correct,"

"Well, sure, I like hanging with her, and I think she's brave and curagous and the most- Aprhodite' he shrieked, realising what he was saying. Did he really think of me like that.

"Continue." she said with a sly smile.

Nico hissed, "But I'm here for my sister. But please lady, don't tell the others."

"Oh, I won't why would I break up young love." she fluttered. Gods, she was pratically sqeualing, I wouldn't be surprised if she began farting rainbows and growing buttterfly wings.

"Shut up." I exclaimed. I don't love Nico, sure I may admire him and have connect with him, I don't love him

"Fine-fine. Goodbye lovebirds." she wisteled and vanished.

"Ugh, I hate Aphrodite" Nico blurted, and I laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

Quistion of the day: when's your birthday, mine was a few days ago.

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