it was just a bad day pt.2 (pondphuwin)

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okay so im finally on my winter break so hopefully ill write a bit more, if i have more time than i think i can potentially write enough to have a little backlog and stuff. anyways lets begin.

Phuwin sat in the car sniffling and trying his best to stop tears from flowing. it had been one of the hardest 2 months of his life. he had begun workshops and school at the same time, as he moved to an entirely new school in a new town that was a lot closer to the filming locations than his 2 hour drive from back home. he wiped his eyes grabbing his lines.

pond looked at the time, he knew phuwin was having a bad time adjusting since he couldnt really tell anyone why he moved or where he came from. pond was in charge of keeping him at school, Phuwins mother had asked him to keep an eye and help out phuwin since he wasnt good at comunication with anyone besides people he worked with. Pond had luckily got close to the younger pretty quick and had begun dating after a month of getting to know each other. he hated seeing phuwin so upset but this was a normal thing to see at this point, Phuwin would have a good day then have it ruined by his science class where he couldnt even comprehend what the teacher was talking about half the time.

''phuwin? do you want a tutor for science?'' Pond asked

phuwin looked at the other shaking his head, not wanting to think of himself as an idiot compared to everyone in his class, none of his classmates had tutors since they were in 10-1 classes for everything, he was in 10-1 in every class since he was always a 90+ student in his old school where they taught a different cirriculum, which was somewhat easier or maybe he just had better teachers who understood that some people had different learning tactics than the smartest students.

''no, that'll make me seem like an idiot compared to everyone in my class'' he said quickly.

pond held onto his hand understanding what he meant, but he knew that it would help phuwin in the long run.

''thats okay, lets go over the lines? we can talk more about it with your mom this weekend mk?'' pond suggested

phuwin nodded slowly. he glanced at his lines saying them with pond replying with his lines. they did that until they got to the studio. they had a workshop today while phuwin had homework. it was pretty much phuwins time to study while pond tried to get closer to phuwin, touch wise, like phuwin wasnt someone who was clingy while pond was still learning how to portray roles without really thinking much. so they were gonna work on it today with the trainer.

''ready?'' pond asked with phuwin nodding grabbing his backpack getting out of the car.

''do my eyes look puffy?'' phuwin said rubbing his eyes

''a little bit but we can say youre tired'' Pond replied

as he grabbed phuwins bag from him and walking inside with the other following along closely. their managers walked up to them with ponds manager taking him from phuwin due to needing to talk about solo works. phuwins manager on the other hand had quickly picked up on him crying earlier

''hey are you okay? youre cheeks are stained'' his manager said

phuwin immedietily shook his head with his manager hugging him. phuwin was very lucky to have a manager who had known him for as long as hes been in the industry. he understood how phuwin was and how to deal with the situations as quickly as possible.

''its okay phu, lets go sit down and talk about it, after that ill get you some food then we can film todays scenes i think that its only 2 scenes today'' his manager said guiding the other to a couch at the back of the room.

phuwin followed his manager sitting down beside him.

''tell me what happened today, we can start with your morning'' his manager said looking at phuwin, who nodded holding onto his hand.

''i got up, in a good mood after my practice with neo and louis, got to school had a really good morning, doing well in my classes then i went to social, i just listened to music ignoring everyone because i had done the work the night before, it ended and it was time for science, i bumped into pond on my way to class and he assured me that it would be a good class today, but it wasnt. my teacher released the test answers where i wanted to get over a 30, i did i got a 40 which i was proud of for about 5 minutes until my classmates started bragging about their 80s and 90s, but i was still happy then my teacher said the lowest was a 40 which is what i got, i got the lowest in my class! i thought i did really good but she ruined my happiness for the day. she started teaching the next topic which i didnt even understand either, why would i understand how to do physics if i havent been taught it before, isnt it her job to understand that some students dont know how to learn at that fast of a pace like a smart kids. then i broke down and pond got me and we came here, pretty much'' phuwin said taking a deep breath at the end

his manager nodded listening to every word.

''you just had a bad science class today didnt you?'' he said making phuwin nod a bit

his manager held onto his hand rubbing it slowly

''so you have only tomorrow then the weekend right? lets try super hard tomorrow to make it a good day then you dont have to see youre teacher for a couple days. if you need to call someone, you can call me or your mother. you shouldnt bother pond during his classes as he is struggling as well, maybe we can get you two a tutor for sundays when we film neo and louis scenes''

phuwin shook his head again ''no tutor, i dont want to be known as an idiot in my class'' he said

his manager nodded again ''okay okay, maybe i can tutor you? you dont need to think of it as tutoring, think of it as another type of your workshop'' he said

phuwin nodded slowly ''okay, we can do that''

his manager smiled ''well alrighty then, go get your makeup and clothing done and ill bring you some instant noodles to make you feel good'' he said standing up leaving

phuwin walked to the changing area where he seen the stylists doing ponds makeup and outfits before they had to film some scenes which were supposedly after school (the one where the light turns off and they like switch postions you know? yeah okay).  Pond smiled at the other as he sat beside him.

''feeling better?'' he asked with phuwin nodding a bit

''talked it out with my manager'' phuwin responded with the stylists starting on his makeup.

gonna end it there, might make a part 3 as a finale part, it'll probably be a bit longer if i do end up making a third part. anyways comment if you want  part 3 and like do the star thingy, im drawing a blank on the name you know. thanks for reading again

thai bl oneshots (on-going) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ