dont you want me? (kristsingto)

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i had like three other stories written but i chose not to post them due to me not done editing them, id be posting a lot more if i didnt edit things so maybe ill stop just to post more for you guys. anyways lets start this shit

Singto drove to the store looking for one thing and one thing only...alchohol ''krist and our stupid friends want to drink and they send me to the fucking store everytime, make Gun go or even better do it yourself''he mumbled parking the car going inside the store ''now so im buying 2 cases for them and one for myself,'' ''im going to get hammered''. he said to himself. he looked at the isle of alchohol and pick out the cheaper for krist and the gang and a more pricey one for himself, Off gave him the money so its fine he doesnt need to know. ''they always hang out but no im never invited because im filiming with tae,  new is filming like 3 shows but they still invite him.'' Singto went and payed before going back to Tays house. Singto walked into Tays house seeing them playing games putting the 2 cases beside them before sitting on the couch with his one case. Krist noticed turning to him ''Sing? what are you doing? isnt that ours?'' he asked with Singto shaking his head drinking his first can of the night. he usually just followed Krist when they hung out together but he gotten annoyed that they always asked Krist and never himself. The rest of the boys didnt really notice Singtos behaviour, Krist let it slide thinking he would share it throughout the night.

lets time skip to a few hours later ....

everyone had at least 3 drinks in them, Off went and bought more drinks for them since Singto still wouldnt share his and he had his 6th drink in his hand. he had drank half of the case already making the others wonder how high his tolerance was really since we had Tay who was already more drunk than everyone combined, New said its because he stopped drinking for a year and wanted to try it out again. anyways Singto didnt have a good tolerance he was just a quiet person when drunk. New had suggested that they play a game which ended up in being Spin the bottle, Off invited Singto play which he agreed after drinking his 7th. Singto went and sat next to Off resting his head on the olders shoulder. Off hummed letting the other since Gun was hugging Tay keeping him from not falling back. Krist was sober, well he had three drinks but he undoubetly had the highest tolerance out of the six boys. Off,Gun, and New were tipsy but not drunk like Tay or Singto. anyways they started playing it ended up with Tay and Off kissing which no one was expecting too see Tay be the one who turned the kiss into a makeout session for a good ten seconds. ''uhh well okay anyways next two'' Off said clearing his throat. They spun the bottom and it landed on New and Singto. it was kind of weird because the two had dated a bit while filming SOTUS but everyone was fine with it i guess?, Singto went and sat next to New. they looked at each other for a few seconds before New pulled Singto onto his lap and cupped his face kissing his lips. Singto put his hands on the others hips kissing him back. it was obvious that Krist was feeling something other than happiness. Tay seen the two kissing and Sobered up a little bit almost immedietly and looked at them. The two pretty much madeout for a good 2 minutes before Singto moved off New smiling a bit. ''that was good almost made me miss you'' Singto said going next to Off once more. Krist looked at Tay who was staring Singto down as if his eyes were lazers. he then turned to New who was blushing a bit. ''ok lets spin and see who kisses next'' Off said with a smirk on his face. he spun the bottle that ended up landed on Off and Krist. Singto looked at Off who looked unsuprised and turned to Krist pushing his lips onto the other. Krist kissed back noticing how Singto stared at the two kissing. Krist decided to stir the pot a bit more and pushed Off onto the ground kissing his lips too. Gun looked at that tilting his head ''newwie, are they doing what i think they are doing?'' New turned to see what he meant and his jaw dropped ''i think so? Tay what do you think?'' New asked a slightly more sober Tay ''i mean go off those two? i dont got much to say, we should focus on the other guy here'' he said tilting his head to Singto who was just sitting there with no reaction probably cursing out Krist in his head. Off was letting Krist take control on this one so he just kissed along. Krist sat up getting off of Offs lap a good few minutes later ''that was pleasant wasnt it boys?'' Off said smiling. Singto chugged another beer getting up taking Gun with him. ''whats up- Woah okay im coming'' Gun saif following the other, Singto took Guns hand pushing him against the wall kissing his lips in the kitchen where no one else could see them. Gun let him for a few seconds before moving singto off of him ''Hey, Sing calm down, i was upset by it too but we dont have to do this'' he said cupping the tallers face looking at him. ''he did it on purpose i know he did'' Singto said letting Gun hold his face. They two talked it out for a few minutes before coming back to the living room to see both TayNew and OffKrist kissing, well making out shirtless. Singto took Krist off of Off (i like typing off of Off its kinda funny to me) and took Krist to a spare bedroom not wanting to use Tays room. Singto pushed Krist into the wall looking at him teary eyed ''what the fuck are you doing?'' Krist said clearly confused on what was going on ''You makeout with him then you wait for me and Gun to leave just so you can fuck him! what do you mean what are you doing?!'' he said shutting the door walking to the bed sitting on it. Krist followed trying to hide the smile on his face ''well it isnt my fault you took Gun out and did whatever you did with him'' he said making Singto look at him ''we did nothing, We kissed not even five seconds then we talked! you didnt have to makeout with Off a second time, the first time was more than enough to make me want to cry!'' he said still drunk. Krist listened to Singto speak slowly smiling more. ''why are you even smiling! you probably liked it more than when we kiss!'' Singto said finally letting himself shed tears. Krist hugged the other ''im smiling because youre upset, not because i liked the kiss i had with Off'' he said with Singto pushing Krist away from him. ''youre lying asshole!'' Singto moved even further on the bed pretty much having his back to the wall. Krist watched his drunk boyfriend react this way, he knew he took it too far but Off pointed out how Singto hasnt been himself in the past few weeks and needed to let his emotions out, they started showing singto less attention and more on Krist and even had Gun and New in on this, Tay didnt have a clue but went along with everything. meaning that the kiss Off and Tay had was fully just Tay kissing Off. ''i hate you!'' Singto said throwing a pillow at Krist who caught it putting it beside him. ''Dont you want me?'' Singto said looking at him tears streaming down his face. Krist nodded ''i do baby i do want you'' he said with Singto staring at him. Krist moved closer to Singto who didnt move, he just sniffled looking at Krist who wiped away some of his tears looking at him. ''you say that you wont leave me'' Singto says now quoting the song dont you want me, which he only knew the glee cover of it. Krist knew this and let him. Krist continued wiping Singtos tears until he stopped crying ''i picked you out and shook you out and turned you around'' Krist mumbled ''i turned you into someone new'' he said. Singto smiled ''its much to late to find, you think you've changed your mind, you better change it back or we will both be sorry'' Krist sang softly with Singto joining in the next line ''dont you want me baby?'' he sang then kissed Krists lips softly with Krist kissing back cupping the others face while Singto held onto Krists hips. they kissed and ended up going further than Krist did with Off. Krist knew Singto would forget most of the night due to being absolutely hammered worse than ever before so he made sure that Singto wouldnt remember the game part and just their heated makeout session that didnt go any further than kissing naked.

thats it im sorry for not posting for a while. ill be trying to upload more and more okay maybe vote for this?

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