Dieting sucks (KristSingto)

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okay will mention dieting and unhealthy diets, do not try any diets mentioned, lets begin, also i might take this story down if i find it rude later on... speaking of i will mention that parts of this story are real events that have happened in my life. so dont be insensitive about it thanks. now we shall begin

Singto looked around the table seeing all his friends eating whatever they wanted while he was stuck with a salad... well it wasnt even fully a salad but he called it that to make it sound better. he had been put on a diet by his friends since he had gained around 10 pounds in a month, it was find he was always watching what he ate but stopped for a month, since birthdays, partys, and award shows were happenening. Off and New first noticed his weight gain but didnt comment on it. but when Krist picked up on it they all spoke to him and put him on a diet. Singto of course couldnt deny anything since he too noticed his weight gain. mostly in his legs and stomach. his face looked nearly identical to what it was a month ago, but it obviously looked bigger than the SOTUS days, its been 5 years since then and some people still wanted him to look the same way as he did when he was in SOTUS like that was forever ago now. But back to the present everyone around him was enjoying steaks, pasta, pretty much whatever they felt like eating. yet all there eyes were on Singto and him staring at their food. ''Singto eat so we can'' Tay spoke up making everyone agree. ''ive already eaten what i can, im not that hungry'' he said forcing another chunk of lettuce in his mouth. They all watched him, yes they didnt like making their friends go on diets and all but they felt as if they had to so Singto wouldnt get hate for gaining, which probably wouldnt have happened anyways but friends. ''there happy?'' he said drinking water. ''yes thank you'' Tay said as he started eating with the rest of the group following suit. They all ate while Singto kept going to the bathroom. at first it really because he needed to use the bathroom but then he just sat in there wanting to go back home really not in the mood to watch his friends eat the food he wanted to have as well. they gave him a strict diet of nothing with over 5 grams of sugar, drink water plus an hour of working out daily. They made sure that he was following thru with the diet by making him check his weight every night plus first thing in the morning. it would almost never change or maybe be down a pound. this went on for 3 weeks until he got down in pounds back to his supposedly normal weight. his friends were happy that Singto got down in the weight but all the comments they made to him made Singto more self concious about his body. He continued the diet without even thinking of it. they all tried to get him to eat sugary foods telling him that he doesnt need to lose anymore weight, he just told them that he didnt feel like eating right now.  he kept losing weight adding more workout time and ate even less which we dont know how that was possible but he did it somehow. Krist was the first to notice since they lived together and usually would eat together, but it stopped it became Krist would eat alone while Singto was working out. Krist brought it up to all his friends and they told him the same thing ''maybe he ate earlier?'' ''he probably just wanted to workout at the same time you guys usually eat at'' they said making him roll his eyes. ''he doesnt do this shit for nothing'' Krist said then he added ''all you four did while he was on that diet was tell him he looked fat, or congratulate him for losing but never telling him he looked fine with the weight gain''. Gun shook his head ''you think we wanted to put him on the diet? of course we didnt want to but it was for his own good'' he said with the other three agreeing. ''Singto didnt need to lose weight, he decided to stop watching what he ate for one month, of course hes going to gain weight'' Krist said before his phone started ringing, it was Ohm he answered '''hello?'' ''hey uh i think we have a situation here'' Ohm said with Krist being confused but put it on speaker so the other boys could hear it. ''what is it?'' Krist said with Ohm clearing his throat ''Singto uh passed out here in the gym, i was just getting here and he was skipping'' he said with the five boys standing up ''okay we'll be there in five minutes try to get Singto to wake up'' Krist said with Ohm telling him that he would before hanging up the phone. ''this is your fault'' Krist said pointing his finger at the four boys. they were putting on their shoes while Krist grabbed the keys to his car and running out the door with the other following. They drove to the gym to see Singto with Ohm on the floor. ''Singto!'' Krist said running to him. ''Kit It hurts' Singto mumbled with the boys all tilting his head.  ''have any of you guys seen Singtos body? hes pretty much bones right now'' Ohm said lifting Singtos shirt up slightly to see that he really was just skin and bones. ''no holy fuck when is the last time you ate Singto?'' Tay asked sitting Singto up slowly ''4 days ago'' he mumbled once more resting his head on Tays chest. ''Huh?! someone get him something to eat now'' Ohm said taking Singto from Tay easily and carried him to the chairs in the gym letting him rest there instead of on the floor. ''now im serious'' Ohm added with OffGun going to the conivnce store next door and bought food. Singto sat there regaining complete consiousness. ''why didnt you tell me Sing?'' Krist asked holding onto Singtos hand ''i wanted to be skinny again'' He said making Krist look at TayNew who just stood there ''fuck im sorry Singto for making those comments'' New said with Tay agreeing. Ohm not knowing what happened looked to them ''what comments, what happened?'' he asked. New filled him in and by the end it was obvious that Ohm was upset by it. ''youre joking? you dont force someone on a diet then make repeated comments on his weight thinking it was a good thing, this sounds insane but hes staying with me for a while you guys can go,Krist that means you too, once he eats something you guys can leave, he can stay with me, Nanon, and Chimon'' He said making Krist look at him ''i didnt say anything about him, i love him no matter how much he weighs.'' ''yes i get it but you were still a part of the problem'' Singto finally felt normal and stood up slowly ''im going to the bathroom, dont even think about following me ill be fine'' he said walking very slowly to the bathroom.  he did what he needed to do then came out with OffGun being back with food. ''here eat this, it doesnt have to be a lot but even a few bites wont hurt'' Ohm said handing Singto a protein bar once he sat back down. Singto shook his head ''im not hungry'' he said with Ohm shaking his head ''you're gonna eat a little bit no matter what, its for your own good'' Ohm said with Singto giving in after a few more tries from Ohm. the five boys sat there unsure of what to do ''you can leave now, i'll probably leave in a bit'' Ohm said while Singto ate a tiny bit of the protein bar. Krist decided to listen to Ohm and get up ''ill pick him up in three days'' he said with the other four boys out of the gym. ''bye Kit'' Singto said with Krist saying bye back kissing his forehead before leaving. It took Singto about 2 weeks before getting used to eating normal sized portions and another 2 weeks for him to register that it was okay for him to eat whenever he wanted too. Krist did end up telling OffGun and TayNew not to comment on Singtos weight like ever even though he shouldnt have to tell him. Krist was very happy that Ohm kept an eye on Singtos meals and such, letting him re learn at his own pace not forcing him to do more than he needed to. Ohm on the other hand didnt talk to OffGun or Taynew for a good while since he was upset that they would mention anything about someone elses weight..

okay so let me explain basically what happened is that when people make comments they end up believeing what people around them are saying, what happened to me is that my "friends" would make comments about my weight to the point where i lost nealy 25 pounds in a month,which isnt healthy, and even now almost 2 years after the situation happened i still feel insecure about my body, im getting better but its obvious to everyone who knows my that i have body dysmorphia so for whatever reason you have to lose weight do it healthy dont do what i did, it doesnt last in the long haul i ended up gaining the weight back 2 months later, i went from normal weight to underweight to overweight then back to my normal weight. okay that got a little tmi but whatever just dont try dieting with the wrong intentions.

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