sick (kristsingto)

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oneshot number two of the night within and hour and a half let me finish this. im gonna try to make it shorter so i dont overwork myself. lets begin

Krist sneezed for the third time in a span of fifteen minutes making Singto turn to him saying bless you and touching his forehead feeling it being warm. ''are you sick Kit?'' he asked with Krist shrugging touching his head feeling it being warm. Singto went to the kitchen grabbing an advil and some water bringing it to krist before grabbing a thermometer putting it in Krists mouth letting it get his tempature. when Singto saw his tempature he nearly gasped since it was weird since he almost never got sick and the last time he got sick sick was while they filmed SOTUS S... that was in 2017. yes he would get hte common cold but it wouldnt even last a full day.  ''Kit you have a fever take that advil right now'' Krist took the Advil looking at him ''do you feel good Sing? are you feeling sick we should stay home'' Krist said laying down on the bed. Singto smiled shaking his head ''i feel fine dont worry if i feel worse i'll call both of our managers telling them we have to stay home for a while'' he said before Krist took off his shirt ''im getting hot i had too'' he said with Singto nodding getting up once more ''im making you chicken noodle soup and drink lots of that water if i need to bring you more i will''. Krist nodded turning the TV back on watching whatever was on it. Singto took his time making the soup as good as he could. i mean he couldnt fuck up making chicken noodle soup from the can. he also grabbed crackers and made Krist a bolgna and cheese sandwich. he brought it to him quickly then came back with two bottles of water. he sat beside him eating his food, he made himself chicken soup and a sandwich because he was craving it too. they ate the food and singto ended up calling both of their managers telling them they are going to stay home for a few weeks to make sure they dont have the big daddy virus. both managers understood and canceled their schedule  for at least 3 weeks. the first week went by very slowly. but Krists fever went down a day later but then Singto felt a little ill but he only had a cold. the entire time both werent feeling well they ate chicken noodle soup and bolgna sandwiches only because it made them both feel as if they were getting better. which it did work. as much as Singto couldnt go outside of their house but he could record videos for his youtube channel (please if you didnt know Singto has a youtube channel its literally just called Singto Prayacha or however you spell his name, i suddenly feel like a bad fan whatever im a bad speller). so he filmed cooking videos and a few videos of him and Krist playing games like Just Dance, Card Games, or just them watching TV. his manager thought it was a good idea and didnt mind having Singto edit them himself, it gave him something to do while the other two weeks he had off. Krist began writing more and it helped him get rid of stress. they did have fun when they were bored but also thought it was weird that they did have sex more than 4 times in that 2 week span but neither of them complained about it. when the two weeks ended they got tested and waited another three days for their results. which both came back negative. they were finally free of their house. they went for a walk the day their results came out just to get out and see things. New came and dropped off a fruit basket, unknown why but they were grateful. it was stressful with Krist getting a fever since he doesnt get sick often but it was fun having only each other as company. they never called their friends they just forgot too, they texted them every few days but never called they truly only spoke to each other. they stopped at an ice cream store on their way back from their walked and ordered the coolest most unhealthy ice cream every, they got a large bowl each with whipped cream, sprinkles,gummy bears, and strawberry sauce. they smiled eating it then going home. The next day Krist went into filming his show while Singto was reading for his show. they both went back to everything and them being happy going places they wanted.

idk this is really short and its around 2am i dont think i can write another one without falling asleep halfway. i might post one more tomorrow morning or night depending on how i feel and when i write. anyways thanks for reading and vote if you feel like it. have a good rest of your day/evening okay bye.

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