We're now outside the school, where the teacher responsible for us is seeing if everyone is present. The buses that are going to take us and other senior classes to the museum are already here and we're all getting in after our names have been called.

James got in before me, since his name is before mine in the list, and soon after I followed him. I found him sat a bit back in the row on the right side of the bus. When I got to the seats I noticed he had putt his bag on my seat so that people wouldn't seat.

We decided that James would be the first to sit on the window seat. When we do the trip back to the school I'll be the one sat there. This way we can both sit next to the window.

About five minutes later, every class was sat on their respective bus and so the buses took off to the Angel Museum.

***Half an hour later***

About half an hour later we finally arrived to the museum. I spent the entire trip listening to the songs on my phone with my eyes closed, resting a bit, but once in a while sending text messages to Melody. She was so cute, always saying that she was missing me and that she was sad that we wouldn't be able to have lunch together, since we're only back at 2 PM and so we will be lunching here, in some restaurant.

After everyone left the buses, the teachers organised us in groups and, basically, a group was consisted by one class with its respective responsible teacher.

When everything and everyone was organised, some classes went in while others stayed behind since it would be too many people at the same time and the ones more in the back wouldn't understand a thing.

My class was one of the classes that got to stay behind and so I observed my surrondings. The museum building was very big and I really liked the garden it had from the entrance to here. It was very colourfull since it had not only grass and trees, but a lot of different flowers also.

I'm really wondering about the different artifacts that we'll find inside the museum. According to the small paper guide they gave us, there are some pretty interesting things in there like armours and swords used by the angels during the war. And some of my classmates have been saying that they also have real angel feathers or their remainings in there, which would be very interesting to see too.

About ten minutes later, the remaining groups, including mine, were finally able to get inside the museum. There was a female guide waiting inside for us. She began by telling us some warnings like not to touch the things in the museum. Yes ma'am, we know that, we're seniors, not little kids.

Well, some of my classmates do behave like little kids so... Yeah...

She tooks us through a door to a corridor that had a lot of paintings, very old looking paintings. And what was painted in them? Angels of course.

On the first painting you could see an angel dressed in more medieval clothings with a golden crown on his head, so I'm betting it is a painting of the infamous "Mad Angel King" that began the war a long long time ago. So long that there are no people from that time alive, besides some vampires.

The next painting had the so called "Island of the Angels". You could see that because it was the painting of a floating island above the clouds. In that island you could see many cities and in the centre of those cities was the gigantic castle of the Mad Angel King.

The other paintings depicted the war and some depicted only the angel soldiers. I then turned my attention to the guide when I saw she would start her explanation of the paintings.

         Female guide: These paintings were all painted by an artist called Henrique Anderson, who was in fact an angel. He painted them before and during the war and ended up giving them to our side. How and why? He was against the idea imposed by the Mad Angel King that all "impure" creatures should die and so he ended up joining our side. - she explained and I nodded fascinated. I didn't know that there were Angels that were on the side of the "impure" - This first painting is of the Mad Angel King, who chose Anderson to make a new painting for him because he wanted a new one. He ended up making more than one copy. He gave one to the King, and the other to us. - she said and then went to the second painting of the Island of the Angels - Just like all other Angels, he saw the creation of the "Island of the Angels". He was so impressed by the act that he decided to do a painting of it and this here is the result.

Once Upon an Angel (Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora