Palpatine vs Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, Order 66

Start from the beginning

Palpatine behind him they clash again a few times heading for the office Windu dodges moving back they circle clashing sabers Windu swings and Palpatine ducks and aim his lightsaber at Windu who moves his lightsaber turns around forcing Palptine into a lock and stares at him Palpatine grunting.

Axel POV

I flip a switch I said "As soon as we land R3 remain with the ship" R3 beeps I reach under my left wrist and press two buttons making them glow green I look forward as we turn and land the ship on the platform I got out and run into the building quickly.

3rd POV

Windu and Palpatine raise their lightsabers they clash circling each other and clash again Palpatine backflips to dodge clashing sabers against Windu moving towards the window then it breaks by the lightsabers Windu spins his ightsaber and Palpatine aims he and went to stab but Windu blocks swings and Palaptine ducks they turn facing each other lightsaber forward.

Palpatine snarls his lightsaber hit Windu's he went to stab Windu who spins blocking they clash a few times suddenly Windu kicks Palpatine backing losing his lightsaber and stumbles onto his back groaning then he moves back gasping due to Windu aiming his lightsaber at him.

Axel POV

I arrive in the office to see Palpatine back against the frame and Windu aiming his lightsaber towards him I move forward the wind comes in howling Windu said "You are under arrest, my lord" They notice me Palpatine said "Axel, I told you it would come to this" I look to Palpatine "I was right" Palpatine takes a breath "The Jedi are taking over" He looks to Windu who said "The oppression of the Sith will never return".

He glares at Palpatine "You have lost" But Palpatine said "No" He shake his head "No, no, you will die" He sends lighting at Windu who use his lightsaber to deflect and watch from behind my helmet "He's a traitor" Windu groaning he said "He is the traitor" I look to Windu who keeps pushing the lighting back.

Palpatine said "I have the power to return your ability to use the Force" His face starts to change I watch this breathing hard "You must choose" I look to Windu who said "Don't listen to him, Axel" He push the lighting towards Palpatine who leans back he said "Don't let him kill me" I grab my lightsaber raise my arm "I can't hold it any longer".

Palpatine leaning back "I-I-I-I can't" He groans "I-I-I'm weak" He turn his gaze "I'm-I'm too weak" His skin is pale, and wrinkles are appearing as Windu grunts "Axel" The lighting disappears "Help me" Palpatine leans back "Help me" Windu aims his lightsaber at Palpatine who groans "I-I-I can't hold on any longer" Windu said "I am going to end this once and for all".

But I look to him I said "But sir, you can't" Windu looks to me I stare "He must stand trial" However Windu said "He has control of the senate and the courts" Windu looks between Palpatine and me "He's too dangerous to be left alive" Palpatine said "I'm too weak" He leans back "Oh, don't kill me" He move his head a bit "Please".

My hand shaking, I look to Windu I said "It's not the Jedi way" I stare at Windu "He must stand trial" Windu raise his head looking at Palpatine who said "Please don't" I begin to glare at Windu I said "I need him" But Windu raise his lightsaber Palpatine said "Please don't" Consciously I yells "No" I activate my lightsaber and cuts Windu's lower arm off making him scream in pain while lightsaber falls down below.

Windu screams making Palpatine smiles he use Force lighting and he yells "Power" The lighting hits Windu who screams in pain I move back watching Windu screaming I deactivated my lightsaber and Palpatine keeps using his lighting "Unlimited power" He use more lighting at Windu who looks to me I watch him being sent out the window falling to his death.

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