Surfing [5]

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"You're a damn billionaire! You expect me to believe that you couldn't find a mansion with three bedrooms?"

I hear Stephen say, his voice echoed through the house. I walk out of my room, peeking my head behind a corner to see what's going on.

Stephen and Mr. Stark are sitting on the couch, Stephen looks really mad at him, almost in a playful way. "This is all they had!" Mr. Stark's voice cracked, his face had a sheepish grin.

"Just my luck." Stephen whispers under his breath, he's shaking his head. He flashes a scowl toward Mr. Stark.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you, Stark." Stephen stands up, he's walking my way, which caused me to draw my head back a little more.

"Uh- you don't have to! Here, I'll have the couch." Mr. Stark says to him, he's standing up.

Stephen looks back at him, "Do that. I'm going to get your ward." He walks up the steps, I flee into my room.

"He's not my ward."

Stephen loudly knocks on my door, "Peter. We're going to the beach."

"Okay! I'll be out in a second!" I yell back.

This is going to be fun!


[Chapter 5]

We're walking to the beach right now. Our flip-flops are clicking against the sand, the fresh smell of the ocean is lingering in the air. "Oh shit." Mr. Stark stops walking, Stephen and I do too.

"Stephen." Mr. Stark turns around, looking at the wizard. "We need the surfboards."

Stephen hoarsely sighs, "Seriously? I told you to get them. Ugh, hold on." He drops his pool-noodles and does the swirly motion with his two fingers. He creates a portal and walks in.

"Okay, kid!" Mr. Stark runs up to me. "I need your help."

"Uh... what do you want me to do?" I ask him.

He glances at the portal, I think he's making sure that Stephen is still gone. "I'm trying to get to know the wizard better, he hardly wants to spend alone time with me unless it's for a good reason."

My lips form the shape of an 'o.' My suspicions were correct! Just to mess with him, I say, "You two would be really good best-friends! Of course I'll help."

"Uh- well... what I mean is that I'm interested in building a relationship with him."

"As friends?" I force my laughter back.

He sighs, "Peter, I want to date him."

My eyes widen, pretending to be surprised, "Ohhh! Why didn't you just say so? Don't worry, I got this."

"Tony, I got you a little surfboard." Stephen says while walking out with three surfboards. I smirk at Mr. Stark, he brushes me off.

He takes his surfboard, "Is this a way to make fun of my height?" He inquires with a grin.

"Maybe." Stephen puts his hand on Mr. Stark's head, measuring the major height difference. "You're so tiny." Stephen says as a childish smile forms on his face. They're so in love with each other, it hurts.

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