Mission [2]

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"I didn't think Tony liked guys, which is totally fine. But are you positive that's the case? What if they don't like guys at all and they're really close friends?" Ned has been asking questions this whole time as we're walking to school.

I chuckle, "I don't think really close friends make-out after they've just met."

Both MJ and Ned gasp, "Holy shit, they didn't know each other?" MJ asks.

We enter school and separate into our classes. I get a message from MJ saying:

MJ 💕
When do you think
you'll be able to take
Tony's phone?

Today actually! I'm going
over to the Avengers tower

MJ 💕
Great, let me know
how that goes :)

Wait why don't they
have a pink heart option?😂

MJ 💕
You just sent one...

No, like a solid pink heart
look at the red one ♥️
why don't they have a pink one?

MJ 💕
Wait you're right


I knock on Mr. Stark's door, "Invisible lady? Are you here?" I whisper, almost putting my face on the door.

"Hello Peter Parker, how can I assist you?" The robotic girl voice asks me.

I jump back, "Oh... uh, is Mr. Stark here?"

"No, he's at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Would you like me to notify your arrival to him?"

"Sanctum Sanctorum... No thanks, by any chance did Mr. Stark leave his phone in his room?" I ask.

"Yes, he did."

Mr. Stark's security system is terrible. "Can you let me in? Don't notify Mr. Stark."

"Yes, Peter." The door opens. I cheer in silence, I sprint in, quickly searching for his phone. I walk into his bedroom, his phone is on his nightstand. I take it and walk out, "Thanks invisible lady!" I say, almost making it to the door.

I stop, "Also... do you know if Mr. Stark has feelings for Doctor Strange?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer that."

I slouch in disappointment, that question might've been too complex for an A.I to understand. I come up with another question, "Why is Mr. Stark at the Sanctum Sanctorum?"

"I have a recording of his conversation before he left, would you like to hear it?"

I stand up, "Yes! Or wait... will this be invasive? I don't want to snoop around in Mr. Stark's business."

"I have no judgement, Peter. I'm afraid I'm unable to answer your question."

"That's alright... I guess you can play it." I say.

The recording started to play. I hear Mr. Stark say, "I'm still waiting for you to cast the spell... I don't want the kid to have that in his memory."

"I would've casted it earlier, but you keep distracting me." Doctor Strange says.

"Well, sorry. It's not like the library has magical books." Mr. Stark says.

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