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Chris's POV:

I finished my interviews. A little messing around with Brie. I don't see Eve anywhere so maybe she is with Lizzie. No. Lizzie is also not here.

I see Scarlett coming out of one of the rooms. Oh boy she looks mad.

"Hey Scar, everything okay?"

She lets out a sigh. "Just found out Rose said something to Lizzie. Which cause Lizzie to panic and now we don't know where she is"

"Oh no. Have you tried calling her?"
I wonder what Rose said that made Lizzie panic.

"I have. She won't pick up." I can hear her voice crack. "I want to apologize to her. I have no idea whats got into Rose lately."

"Its okay. I'll go find Lizzie. Where Eve?"

"See that's the problem. We don't know where they both are. We already sent security over to her house. But no reports of them yet."

I'm really starting to worry. Lizzie never leaves without telling at least someone where she is going.

"Okay. I think I have an idea where she can be. I'll go find her and Eve. You stay here just in case she shows up okay." She nods and I quicky hug her. I look for an exit but people are everywhere. I decided to go through them. Ignoring the fans calling my name. I get into my car and head over to the hotels. Lizzie should be there of she isn't in her house. Its the closet to the area.

I arrive at the hotels. Making my way around to find her room. The secretary at the front gives me a spare key. I get to her room which I'm greeted with silence. I close the door.

"Elizabeth?" I call out and then I hear footsteps. What I assume is Lizzie. But I see Eve running.  I see her crying. "Oh Eve. What's wrong? Why are yo-"

I'm cut of my Lizzie, which also seems to be crying."Eve! Chris. Ugh what. What are you doing here."

"What happened to you two. Is everything okay?" I stand up with Eve now in my arms.

"I-ugh." Lizzie stumbles with her words. I go to take her hand and bring her into a hug when Eve yells.

"NO." She tights her grip on me. I looked back at Lizzie. Her eyes glossy and she starts picking at her skin.

"What wrong Evelyn?" Eve doesn't respond but her sobs start getting louder. "Here why don't you go to your mom, while I get some water for you guys" I put Eve down and push her slightly to Lizzie.

What I didn't expect was for Eve to starts screaming. Causing Lizzie and I to jump back. Lizzie covers her ears while tears start streaming down her face. What is happening. None of them are responding to me.

Lizzie moves a little close causing Eve to flinch.

"NOOO" Eve screams. Getting up running towards the door. I quickly get a hold of her.

She starts hitting me and trying to get out of my embrace.

"Eve, baby please calm down" I hear Lizzie say. I slowly rock side to side. I feel Eve breath in. Sobs turning into shuffles. A while passes and Eve is passed out. Lizzie has gone god knows where. I put Eve on the couch.

I go into the hallway to see if Lizzie is in one of the rooms. I hear sniffling coming from one room. On which I knock.

Lizzie's POV:

I scared. I scared her. Why did I raise my voice.

There a knock on my door which startles me. I quickly whipe my tears away. I hear the door open and then close.

"Lizzie, you doing okay?" Chris asks me as he sits next to me on the floor.

"I-i don't know." I say avoiding his gaze. I take a deep breathe.

"What happened? Scarlett said you left early. I don't know something about Rose?"

I feel my lip quiver. The words that Rose said come to my mind.

"Rose kinda. Um. She asked me why Eve calls me mom. I said because I-I am." I take a deep breathe. I feel Chris's hand rub my shoulder. "She then said that she doesnt l-look like me. I-I don't know why it just hit me. I-. What if people say stuff when I tell it to the world." I start sobbing again. Chris brings me into a hug.

"Look. I need you to breathe okay." He starts rubbing my back, hlping ke calm down. "I know it must be hard trying to keep it a secret. There's been pictures out there but no one has questioned them."

"Its just the way I have to push her away when we are in public. Rose made me think of the horrible responses I will get. Chris er dad is well known. Her family could still be out there."

"Shh. Shh. No one will tae her away from you. Plus with the records of her family. They will not let her back with them." Chris says still rubbing my back. "I don't think Eve will leave you either. She so attached to you."

I sit up again and lean against the bed. "Yeah about that. I was so stressed that I accidentally yelled. At her."

"Is this why she was crying?" I nod my head. I start picking at the skin in my fingers.

"She flinched. I just raised my hand and she flinched again. I saw the fear in her eyes. Sh-She won't even look at me"

"Hey you did it by accident. Its okay. I'm sure she will come around again. You might of just trigger her. But you aren't like them Lizzie"

He hugs me again. I don't know what I will do without him. He's been such a good friend to me. Him and Scarlett both. Chris is just like a big brother. To anyone really.

I decided that I'm gonna stay home. Chris nods and asks me if I need anything else. He tells me to call him if I need anything and leaves.

I've also changed now and head towards the couch. There I see Eve still sleeping. I slowly make my ways towards her. I kneel down infront of her. Slowly move her hair that's on her face. My poor baby.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I wisper. She shuffles around and I take away my hand.

"My baby, my baby

You're my baby
Say it to me.

Baby, my baby"


HEYY!! Happy Christmas Eve Eve ;)
You see what I did there.

So finally on my break. So I will start posting more again. If I don't lose motivation lol.

How do you like other people's POV's? Do you like them? Should I just stick to Lizzie and Evelyn's. Do you want to add more characters?

ALSO 28.7k READS! WHAT!? Thank you so much for reading this book. Even tho I think its really bad. Thank you tho for everyone giving me feed back and ideas for the book.

Did yall see the Multiverse of Madness trailer. WOW. Also new clips for Love and Death.

If I don't post again. I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Or if you don't celebrate Christmas. Happy Holidays.

Hope you guys stay safe. I heard covid cases are rising again. So please everyone stay safe out there. You wanna be healthy to be with family or friends for the holidays.


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