Your safe with me

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Lizzie's POV:

After getting home, I quickly took off my shoes. Evelyn was still fast asleep and currently suckling on my neck. It kinda feels weird. I take her shoes off as well. We make our way to my bedroom. I close the curtain so the sunlight doesn't bother her.

I place her on the bed and take a blanket that is at the end of my bed. She moves a little and lets a little whine out. I freeze in place, not knowing what to do. I don't want a crying baby in my hands. I'm so glad I live alone because I would have been questioned why I have a random girl. I couldn't just leave her there all by herself.

After a few minutes of standing there I head out of my room. My mind still wonders why her own mother would leave her child like that. She looked so scared. At a park full of random people. A small girl left alone at a park, if her mother really left her there. Why couldn't she leave her at an adoption center.

I quickly make my way downstairs to make something to eat. I make a quick salad for myself and a sandwich for Evelyn. She must be hungry but I don't know what she likes. So a sandwich should be okay, I hope. I make my way to my office to read some emails. I left the door of my room open and my office. Just in case anything happens.

After maybe 2 or 3 hours passed, I heard her whine. I got up from my desk and walked over to my room. She was sitting now and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hey there. Did you enjoy your little nap" I say as I make my way over to the bed. She lets out a small yawn and starts looking around.

"Yeah" I can see she wants something but she just stares at her hands.

"You hungry? I made something for you to eat." She looks at me and nods. "Alrighty come on lets go eat then" I get up from the bed. I turn around and she is still sitting there.


Evelyn's POV:

Elizabeth, I think her name? Well it is like she can read minds. I was trying to say that I was feeling hungry. But I didn't know how, I still don't know english well. I only knew a bit and it was hard trying to say it. Well now she told me to follow her. But there's a problem, how do I get out of this bed. It's a long way down and I'm scared I will fall off the bed.

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I don't know how to tell her. I feel my lip start to quiver. My vision gets blurry from the tears building up.

"No, no, don't cry, it's okay." She picks me up and starts to rock side to side. I stop, wow she really knows how to make me calm down. She slowly lifts my head so I can look at her. "You were scared to get off the bed right?" I nodded my head because it was a long way down for me. She boops my nose and we go to the kitchen.

After eating the sandwich she made me. We head on to her living room to watch some cartoons. My head goes back to the place I was before. Are they looking for me? Have they even noticed I am gone? What will happen if they find me? Will Elizabeth bring me back to that place? I like it here though, it's quiet.

I suddenly need to use the potty. Oh no.

"Mu- elis"

"What is it honey"

"P-potty" she quickly understands and scoops me up. She slowly puts me down and sits me down on the toilet. "Do you already know how to?" I nod my head at Elizabeth. She tells me to call her when I'm finished, which I do.

We spent the day watching tv. She is on a weird screen thing and she is moving her fingers in the buttons below. I can see she is starting to get frustrated.

I slowly make my way up the couch and next to her. I wrap my arms around her. She lifts that arm and hugs me. She smiles at me and her nose scrunches. I try to do the same but clearly don't do the same, making her giggle.

She giggles at me and boops my nose. She closes the weird object and turns back around. "I think it's time to make dinner."

She gave me a plate of um I don't know. I don't want it and push it away from me.

"Sweetie, you have to eat it. You can't go to bed with an empty stomach. " She tries to feed the food to me. I turn away. She picks me up and I squirm. I get frustrated because she won't let me go. "Cmon Evelyn you have to eat."

"No" I began to cry because I don't know how to tell her what I want.


Elizabeth's POV:

I gave Evelyn her plate of food but she pushed it away. I tell her she has to eat but she won't. Maybe she wants to be fed. So I grabbed her but she kept squirming. She yells no and begins to cry. I don't know what to do. She starts to cry harder.

"MAMA!" She starts to scream. The poor girl all she wants is her mother. I think I'm scaring her, I don't know what I'm doing. I seriously start to cry myself. This is stressing me out. The only person I know with a child close to Evelyn's age is my dear bestfriend. So I decide to call her for sure she will know how to calm Evelyn down.

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now