Ten: The Aftermath

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"Earthly majesty is always akin to the fallen angel, who is proud and unhappy, beautiful but troubled, and whose plans and efforts, though vast, are denied access."

Otto vom Bismarck


A light buzzing disrupted Yoongi's thoughts and he shifted tiredly. Letting out a soft groan, the sound dragged him upruptly back to reality. "Hoba," he murmured gently, unwilling to stop their soft embrace.

After a long night of intense intimacy, the couple had lapsed into gentle trails of kisses, soft nose touches and warming hugs. Hoseok had not yet pulled out, for he knew Yoongi loved the secure feeling of his partner inside while they gave each other calm, light touches of aftercare.

The buzzing stopped. Then, it started up again. "Hoba, can you see who it is?" He whispered, "But-" he grasped Hoseok as the younger moved to rise from his position, "-don't leave...stay...inside..." He begged, clawing delicately at his boyfriend's hips. He'd had a bad day, and he wanted as much care as he could demand.

Giving a light chuckle, the barista pecked the older on the lips gently and reached an arm over to the beside table.

"It's Jimin's work phone."
"Shit. Pick it up would you?"

Jimin knew that Yoongi was with Hoseok. He would not call unless in an emergency. And from his work phone too... Hoseok didn't need telling twice. He'd pressed accept the moment he'd seen who was calling.

"Jiminie, you ok?" Hoseok had placed the phone to his ear and responded, knowing Yoongi wouldn't mind. But when Hobi's face paled, his lips slackened in shock, Yoongi immediately indicated that he wanted to hear.

"One second Min," Yoongi spoke, placing the phone on the bedside table and pressing loud speaker. He then looked at Hoseok in amused dismay, 'I think you need to pull out,' he mouthed to his boyfriend, letting out a small giggle.

"Sorry did I catch you guys in the middle of something?" A horse voice emitted from the device.
"No, no it's ok. We finished about 5 minutes ago." Hoseok reassured him. Biting his lip from the sensitive feelings, the younger slowly pulled out and clambered out of his boyfriend's embrace. He swiftly discarded the filled condom and silently indicated he'd retrieve a cloth to help clear up.

"Ah, ok." Listening to the background noise, Yoongi could tell where his friend was in an instant, hearing familiar bustle and muffled voices around the younger. Wasn't he supposed to be at his Aunt's event? Why was he at the studio?

But his confused thoughts were shattered at the sound of Park Jimin sobbing.

"Y-y-Yoongi he-he-" At once, Yoongi stumbled to his feet. He grabbed the phone and placed it off speaker mode and pacing out of the room. It wasn't often Jimin sobbed like this and so the older was intensely anxious that the young actor had wound himself up in another bad situation, "-he... He saw-"

"Who saw what?" Yoongi asked calmly, motioning to Hoseok - who had exited the room in confusion once realising his boyfriend was walking naked around the flat - to grab the car keys in case Jimin needed retrieving.

"So I had that shoot with V last night," he began explaining, his voice trembling. The older nodded, he knew. "And... Please don't get mad at me-"
"I won't get mad Jimin." Yoongi's heart thumped loudly.
"So... Jungkook uh... Saw... All the marks."

Yoongi froze, a chill racing down his spine.
His eyes grew wide, his face paled rapidly. Part of his mind was furiously questioning how Jungkook could have even been in such a situation where he'd seen Jimin's bare skin. But the more protective side of him overshadowed that, sending intense waves of panic throughout his body at the thought of his little cousin being scared out of his mind.

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