Nine: A Light Kiss

359 13 31

Content warning:
Mild sexual harassment


Walking away from his aunt and her friends, Jimin felt both relieved and also, incredibly nervous. When he'd gone to tell her he was leaving, she'd given him this outraged look of disappointment which then morphed into one that suggested Aunt Rosalina was not surprised in the slightest.

The only change to her expression was when Taehyung had jokingly warned, "Behave." And her expression instantly became one of curious suspicion. Jimin hoped with all his strength that she assumed it was just Tae telling Jimin off for his anti-social behaviour.

What would she have really done if she knew he was leaving because of a man he was attracted to? Scream in joy, probably. He did not want her to have that celebration just yet.

"Jungkook-oh!" Walking back to where Jungkook was waiting, he was just about to raise his hand in familiar greeting but instead, his arm was grasped tightly and jerked to the side. He disappeared around the corner.


Jimin's mood soured, "Good evening." It was Min Sun, Taehyung's old client. Jimin should have known that was not the last he'd see of that brute.

The man, whose build was a little taller than Jimin's, had pushed him up against the wall, his lower body pinning the adult actor tightly between his evident erection and the wall's surface. His face was so close, the smaller figure could feel his hot, drunken breath prickling his cheeks.

"I don't recall an agreement tonight." Helios grumbled, swallowing the nervous feeling in his throat for fear of giving the older man any sense of control, "I'm off-duty. This is harassment."
"Like such a word applies to your kind." Min Sun sneered, huffing in disappointment as Jimin skillfully shifted his neck away from hungry lips.

"Stop it!" The actor yelled, trying with all his might to release his pinned arms out of the bastard's grasp, "Stop-!" His plea faded in shock as Min Sun stumbled away from him, clutching his bruised face in outrage.

"He told you to stop."

Jimin looked up in surprise at his saviour. He had always seen Jungkook as a sort of passive character, but with the angered look his face currently possessed, the older was beginning to think he'd gotten it all wrong. Clenched fists, a flushed face and terrifying eyes, this kid was definitely a relative of Min Yoongi.

As soon as Min Sun had scrambled away, the young waiter turned to Jimin. "...are you ok if I give you a hug?" He asked, holding out his hands gently. At a ferverent nod, the older was engulfed in a tight, secure embrace, "I hate those bastards." He grumbled.

"You sound as if you've engaged with people like this before." Jimin murmured in sympathy, concerned that Jungkook too had been subject to such behaviours at one time.

He shook his head in annoyance, "Yoongi." The younger muttered to himself, although Jimin was not sure if he had been supposed to have heard. He wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi got those assholes approaching him too. The older man was ridiculously handsome.

"Come on," he suddenly perked up, holding out his hand carefully for Jimin to hold if he wished to, "Let's go drink this champagne I stole." And he grinned in such a cheeky, dangerous way that told Jimin exactly who his relative was.

HELIOS// A Jikook AU.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin