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Waking up, with my daugther and girlfriend in my arms is the best thing any man can have. Both my girls are breathing softly, and I look on the clock, which is hanging on the dark green painted wall, next to a picture with the three of us, when Luna was only a month old. Without waking any of the girls, I get up, laying Luna on Elena her chest. I'm having rehearsels with the band, at eight and I don't want to wake my girlfriend. Downstairs, I already hear some talking and noises in the kitchen. I decide to take a quick shower and wear just sweat pants with a ACDC shirt above it.

"Goodmorning", yawning I step into the kitchen, seeing Damiano made breakfast. "Why are you so happy?", I ask, sitting down next to Victoria, who is already eating toast. "I don't know, I have lots of inspiration for songs", the singer says, and I chuckle. "Guys I need to talk to you, but not here", I say, making everyone look at me. Ethan just came downstairs and looks up from his phone. "Why not here?", the drummer asks, and I sigh. "Just not here, I'll tell in the studio". Right after I said that, Elena comes in, with Luna on her chest.

"Goodmorning my princess", I walk towards her, pressing a kiss on her forehead and on Luna her cheek, who is still sleeping. "Thommy?", she ask, sitting down on my chair, grabbing something to eat from Ethan his plate. "Hey, that's mine", he steals it back, and Elena stick out his tongue towards the drummer. "Yes baby", I lay my hand on her shoulders, to massage them. "Nica wants to go shopping, can you maybe take Luna to your work?", she asks, and Victoria squeals. "Oh my gosh I love baby sitting". Elena laughs, handing Luna to Victoria. "Is that okay guys?", my girlfriends asks, and Damiano starts nodding heavily. "Baby Raggi loves our music", the singer says, slightly proud.

For the first time, Luna is coming with us towards the studio. Victoria her attention is all for my daughter, so I don't think we are having great rehearsels today, but that wasn't the point for me for this day. "Thomas, we are here now, what did you wanted to talk about", Damiano says, jumping on my back, while Victoria is humming 'torna a casa' for Luna, to make her fall asleep. "I-I want to propose to Elena", the words roll out of my mouth, and Everyone stays quiet. "Please say something", I say, chuckling nervous. "What the fuck Thomas!!??", Ethan wide-eyed, and jumped on my back just like Damiano, making me fall on the ground. "Oh my gosh, she's going to say yes for sure", Victoria hugs me, after she placed Luna in the pram.

"I can't fucking believe you're getting married before I even got a girlfriend", Ethan says, starting to play the drums, roughly. "Shh Luna is sleeping", I snap, chuckling. "And by the way, we don't know if she will say yes". I blush, taking my daughter, who woke up, out of the pram, starting to rock her. "Soon, your mamma will be a Raggi too", I whisper against my baby her face, who gives me a laugh in return. "Awh, you're so cute", I kiss her little face, and bring her back towards the pram.

We rehearsed for maybe ten minutes, but my concentration is actually gone. "Guys, can you help me pick out a ring, and a way to ask it", I ask, putting away my guitar. "Oh my gosh, I'm so fucking excited already", Damiano says, a little too load, and I hear Luna waking up, crying. "Asshole", Victoria mutters, walking towards the pram. "Did uncle Dam made you scared little girl", Victoria rocks the crying girl in her arms, and I smile. I love the way how the band welcomed Luna in their lives, and how they love her as much as Elena and I do.


Going out without my baby feels a little weird. The last months I stayed with her non-stop, and I never did something without her. "I have to say, I don't miss her crying right now", I laugh, and Veronica and I walk towards the streets of Rome, with bags filled with new clother, for Luna of course. The sun is burning into my skin. "Shall we go have lunch over there?", Veronica asks, pointing at one of my favorite places, just a simple hamburger restaurant, but it's so delicious. "You know me very well girl", I grin, walking into the restaurant.

"Awh look at this", I turn my phone to Veronica, while she is taking a bit bite from her cheeseburger deluxe. "Awh, Thomas the photographer", my best friend squeals and continues eating her dish, while I scroll through all the comment under the post, which the fans wrote.

*Thomas posts a picture of Elena and Luna together*

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Tagged: elenacolombo

Thomasraggi__: my two fav girls! <3

Comments: 1.989


Vicdeangelis: awhh how is your baby so adorable?!

Elenacolombo: vicdeangelis have you seen Thomas?!

Thomasraggi__: vicdeangelis have you seen Elena?!

Ethaneskin: ieuw you guys are gross


Giorgiasoleri_: this makes me want a baby too

Ykaaar: giorgiasoleri_ *lego and bidet crying in the corner*


Maneskinfan1: luna is the most beautiful baby in the world

Maneskinfan2: maneskinfan1 duh, have you seen how hot her parents are AHAHHA  


AWHHH, prepare for some cuteness

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