Chapter 1

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Author note- I apologize to anybody reading this, I began this story in 2022 and I changed characters so the first like seven chapters may be boringish but I promise once you get past those it'll be better. thank you  🙏

The day was just like any other, Priscilla and Abigail hanging out playing video games. They were playing Call Of Duty, cheering whenever they killed each other. Priscilla glanced at the clock, only 12 seconds left. She spotted Abigail and was about to shoot her.


Priscilla had died, just as the time went out.

"YES! Told you I was gonna win! In your face Priscilla!" Abigail shouted, standing up nearly knocking her chair over with her hands in the air.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll beat you next time. And I mean it, it won't end like all the other times." Priscilla set her remote down and stretched in her chair.

She was about to say something, when she heard several screams come from outside the window, causing her to jump.

That's odd. You don't usually hear noise when you're on the 7th floor of an apartment.

She looked at Abigail, seeing that she too also heard it. They walked to the window slowly, opening it to hear. What they saw was a shock to them both.

People were running, some being attacked. Priscilla's eyes widened in fear when she saw somebody pounce on another human, and take a massive bite out of their shoulder.

"What the hell?! Did you see that Abbie?? What's happening?" She whisper yelled. She'd only seen stuff like this in movies and video games. A face of disgust appeared watching the..thing bite the person again. She heard Abigail mutter something but couldn't make out what she said.

"... Priscilla come on, we need to see what's going on" Abigail stated, grabbing her wrist and pulling her upstairs to the tv.

Just then, Abigail felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Se stopped moving and pulled it out. It was her mother.

Priscilla. I don't care
what happens, I want
you to stay with Abbie
and do not leave her house.

Go watch the news to
understand what's happening.

I love you baby.

She didn't reply back, as she walked faster to the tv to catch up with Abigail who already turned it on.

"-we are still not sure what caused all of this, but this infection is spreading quick. From what we know so far, it is spread by being bitten by an infected one. The only symptoms we currently know of is being infected makes you become extremely violent, strange behavior, and the most obvious one, cannibalism. I advise you all to stay indoors and don't trust strangers, be careful even around your loved ones-"

Abigail muted the tv, and answered her ringing phone.

"Hello?.....Yeah I'm still home, I'm with Priscilla.....I understand mom, I'll stay here....Yes, her mom already told her to stay too." Abigail began pacing, a habit she had whenever she was on the phone.

"Sorry what was that? You're breaking out-"

Priscilla felt fear creeping up her neck when she heard a scream come from Abigail's phone.

"Mom? MOM? Where are you?? Mom!" She went pale, slowly removing the phone from her ear. Abigail looked at the phone, the screen saying called failed.

"Abbie? What happened?" She asked carefully. She knew how Abigail got when she was upset and didn't want her to lash out.

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