Chapter 4

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(Abigail POV)

The swarm of zombies hadn't calmed down a single bit where they ended up. Everything was crazy. She trusted that Damien was gonna think up of a plan though. She wanted to get to that hotel and hopefully share a room and maybe even a bed with him-

"Oh I got it!" Damien looked at Abigail, a smile formed on his lips. Abigail almost cooed when she saw his smile was shaped like a heart. He had a cute smile. His long brown hair fell in front of his face.

He waited until everybody was listening.

"Okay so, we're gonna go and grab walkie talkies from the police station right there. At least seven of them, we don't know if we'll run into anybody else or not. After we get those, we'll make sure they're all on the same channel so we can hear each other. Y'all staying with me?"

Everybody nodded.

"After that, four of us will stay here, and the fastest one of the group is going to take a water sensor to the back of the store, open it, make sure it gets activated and stay there until they hear the zombies are moving away. Then they're going to sprint all the way back here, and we're going to run to the hotel. Understand?" Abigail stared in amazement.

Not only was Damien hot and cool, but he was also big brained. Oh how she loved this man.

You know, I didn't believe in love at first sight, but holy shit he's is fucking hot.

" I'm assuming Brooks is the fastest. He's a cowboy he looks speedy." Damien said, looking at him.

"Nah Michael is much faster, he did track. He's fast as fuck he'll be better than me. I ride..horses. I don't run." Brooks quickly said.

Priscilla looked at Michael and saw his face start to go pale.

"Hey you'll be okay." Brooks comforted him. "You know how water censors work. Get em wet and they go off. Heres a water bottle for it." He reached for Priscilla's bag and grabbed a bottle.

She was scared it wasn't going to work. They all rushed to the police station and Abigail waited by the window.

That's when Priscilla screamed and glass broke.

Abigail started screaming and tears flooded her eyes. She being grabbed by a zombie that broke the glass, and trying to pull her out through the window.

She shut her eyes tightly, refusing to look. All she could do was try to avoid being bitten and not slide out the window as she started sobbing.

She felt a pair of hands on her body, trying to pull her away from the zombie's shockenly strong grip.

"Abbie look down and do not look up until it lets go!" She heard somebody yell. She obeyed and lowered her head, still sobbing. She was too panicked to process who's voice was who's.

She heard a gun shot, and a small breeze pass her ears and let out a death scream. Was she shot? She didn't wanna die!

Abigail felt herself pulled back inside and placed on someone's back, and they started running to the back of the store.

She still wouldn't opened her eyes and just held onto whoever was holding her tightly, small whimpers coming from her as she sobbed hard.

They finally stopped running and was set down. When she opened his eyes, she saw they were in the bathroom. Michael was checking that all the stales were empty and Brooks was locking the door, searching for something to place in front of it.

"Abbie are you okay??" Damien asked her. His face was slightly blurry from the tears in Abigail's eyes. Damien wiped away the tears in her eyes and sat down next to her, Priscilla on her other side.

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