Chapter 15: Skillz

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Alias's POV

"MIKO!" I yelled, chasing after her.

"JAAAAAAAACK!" She screamed, "SAVE ME!"

"DAVID! GET HER!" I yelled.

Miko jumped onto the ladder and started to climb, but I was right behind her.

"Guys! Be quiet, I'm trying to focus!" Raf complained from the couch, where he was working on his math homework.

Miko reached the top and ran over to Jack and hid behind him.

"Jack! Save me!" She begged.

I reached the top and walked over slowly. I had her cornered. I grinned and the blood drained from Miko's face.

"What did you do Miko?" Jack asked her with a scolding look.

"She smacked my computer. My computer." I accused.

"I didn't think it would make her that mad!" Miko exclaimed.

"Of course it would. Ever since Agent Fowler gave her that computer, she has been in love." David said.

"And!? I didn't even damage it!" Miko told them.

"Who cares if you didn't damage it? Jack, step away from Miko." I ordered.

"You know she'll just follow me right?" Jack asked.

"Alright then. I'll just tackle you both." I shrugged.

I ran forward at them and spread my arms to tackle them.

"Wai-" Jack was cut off as Miko burst into laughter.

I tripped on the T.V. cord and faceplanted.

David and Miko laughed as I stood back up and glared.

"Shut up." I growled, stomping over to the couch in embarrassment.

I grabbed my computer and sat next to Raf.

"Alias, we are in need of a groundbridge." Optimus said over the comms.

I reached over and tapped the s button on my computer and immediately, the groundbridge opened up. Seconds later, the Autobots were on their way through.

Bumblebee held a metal circle looking thing in triumph.

"Good job retrieving the spark extrator." Optimus told Bumblebee.

"If Megatron had gotten his hands on that, we would be in serious trouble." Ratchet said.

No questions about it were asked, the name seemed pretty self explanatory.

"How'd it go, Bee?" Raf asked.

Bumblebee grinned and began to explain his story about getting the weapon. I couldn't completely tell what he was saying, so I just read his mind.

"Loopty loop huh?" Arcee asked.

"I can't believe Megatron didn't hear you coming. Or use it on Optimus and Ratchet." I said.

"Well, good thing he didn't." Bulkhead said, "I prefer my spark inside my chassis."

I heard my computer beep again and I groaned.

"What's up?" Arcee asked.

"Agent Henkerson keeps bothering me about why I haven't been answering his texts or doing anything." I explained.

"What did you tell him?" She asked.

"Nothing yet. I'm still trying to come up with a good excuse." I sighed.

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