23. Truth

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After some time, the doctor came and Taehyung stood outside of your room staring at the door without blinking his eyes for once. Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Park also stood there with him while doctor checked you.

Suddenly the door slammed open and the doctor came out and taehyung stormed toward her but got halted

"Who is her husband?"

Taehyung looked at her stunned while Mrs. Park walked near the doctor to say something but before she could a call ring interrupted 

The doctor picked up the call and stay silent, sweat started to form on her forehead while she just hmm on the call gulping down her saliva. Terror appeared all over her face while taehyung looked at her narrowing his eyes like he was scanning each and every expression of her.

The doctor hung the call totally terrified and looked at Mrs. Park who was standing near her
"Is she okay?"
Mrs. Park asked

"Yeah yeah she is completely fine, it has happend because of weakness, Maybe she is not taking her meals on time and is not taking nutrition food. It happend sometimes when the body became weak. Just few nutrition pill and she will be fine" The doctor spoke in one breath

"Thanku doctor"
Mrs. Kim said with a slight smile on her face and the doctor also smiled back and hurriedly left the mansion.


You panicked as you see Mrs. Kim and your mom coming in your mom. You didn't know what happen after you collapsed and it giving you anxiety or nothing. So many questions were running in your mind, If they get to knew anything, if they see your bruises.

"How are you feeling, Yn"
Mrs. Park asked

"I am okay mom"
You groaned while massaging your forehead

"I think we should let her rest" Mrs. Kim advised

Your mom kissed your forehead cupping your cheek

"Doctor told it has happend because of weakness, Rest well okay and if you need anything just call me, we will send your dinner in your room and here" She kept some tablets on the bed cabinet "don't forget to take your medicine," Mrs. Park said and you nodded closing your eyes as your tensed body relaxed.

As they left you looked at medicine and your eyes darted to your phone. you took it and stared at phone screen. There was more than 100 message from jackson, threating you to make your life hell.

You opened the chat

"So you started a drama Infront of everyone, let's see where it's end"

"Want to take revenge, good going , play baby, play with me until I wreak your every part from inside to outside"

"I will make you scream in hell Yn, if anyone get to know the truth"

You threw your phone on the bed closing your eyes not wanting to read any of more. You cried snuggling your face in pillow.

"can you please tell me Taehyung, Where are we going"
Jungkook asked to Taehyung whose eyes were focused on road while driving

"You will get to know very soon"
Taehyung said and increased the speed of car

The car stooped infront of a wooden house. Taehyung get out of the car and jogged toward the house jungkook also dashed behind him.

Taehyung knocked the door and after few second someone opened the door but as soon as the person eyes collided with Taehyung, The person eyes widen and she tried to close the door quickly but Taehyung pushed open the door with his full strength and get inside it.

PAIN AND PLEASURE |KIM TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now