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Jason-Reyna what the fuck?

Piper-yeah who is that?

Thals-I'm confused?

Callie-Calm down, maybe she doesn't want to let people know yet.

You-Thank you Callie, I don't so don't pressure me into telling you.

Reuben-Can I know?

You-Yea Reuben you can know

💙Perseus-What happened?

Annabeth-Have you or Thalia seen Reyna's post?




Nico-What post?

Will-Reyna has a boyfriend Nico


Frank-I think I might know who it is after looking at the pictures, but I'm not telling.

Hazel-You're most definitely gonna tell me later but we'll ignore that

Grover-Percy do you have two different Instagram accounts?


Grover-Don't lie to me.

💙Perseus-Yes, and no none of you can follow it yet


You-How did so many of you miss that post it has 1 and half million likes


Leo-Anyways it's almost Christmas!!!

Piper-We should all get matching pajamas

Will-Oh we should


Hermes-You all cuss a lot


Haha I'm gone

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Haha I'm gone

You-Myself, Fred, and Sara are all in the car with you


Jason-That's a nice picture Percy

Piper-Get home soon I want to do match Pjs

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