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Cameron Jon Spencer "Cam" Potter
12 Million Followers
"Dueller from England. Yes I'm Harry and Percy Potter's older brother."
Fc: Joe Collier

Dillon Thomas Sage Kenji "Dill" Potter2024 Million Followers"I'm a British Actor, you might have seen me in some movies

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Dillon Thomas Sage Kenji "Dill" Potter
24 Million Followers
"I'm a British Actor, you might have seen me in some movies."
Fc: Blake Michael

Perseus Achilles James  "Percy" Potter 1826 Million Followers"Don't feel bad I'm usually about to die

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Perseus Achilles James  "Percy" Potter
26 Million Followers
"Don't feel bad I'm usually about to die. Son of Poseidon. Proud Slytherin, also a Beater on the Slytherin Quidditch team"
@PerSEA.POttEr (Private)
@PerSASSSY.JackSON (Public)
Fc: Froylan Gutierrez III

Matthew Ruben "Matt" Potter 1818 Million Followers "Gryffindor, Gryffindor Chaser

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Matthew Ruben "Matt" Potter
18 Million Followers
"Gryffindor, Gryffindor Chaser. Aspiring Football Player."
Fc: Fenn Sean

"@MattRPotterFc: Fenn Sean

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