A Tiktok Trend(?)

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Recently, I haven't been able to have proper dreams. I forget most of them but some of them get too sexual because I get sexual in my dreams lol. (It's actually just me sitting on people's lap and I feel embarrassed when I wake up cuz I don't like touching people and I don't want people touching me :p)

But I kept seeing tiktoks about dreams for months, mostly when they tell characters in their dreams a specific thing..


*You and character in dream doing things*
You: *realizes that i'm in a dream*
You: Omg! I'm in a dream! This is just a dream!
Character: ....
Character: You weren't suppose to know that... *Face starts to melt*
*Body starts to melt*
*World starts to melt*

Or maybe this can happen

*You and Character in dream doing things*
You: *realizes that i'm in a dream*
You: Omg! I'm in a dream! This is just a dream!
Character: .... *Slowly looks at u*
Character: *eyes turns black*

Or maybe...

*You and Character in dream doing things*
You: *realizes that i'm in a dream*
You: Omg! I'm in a dream! This is just a dream!
Evry character in dreams:*looks at u*
*Starts chasing you*

Or maybe...(I want this one to happen to me)
*You and Character in dream doing things*
You: *realizes that i'm in a dream*
You: Omg! I'm in a dream! This is just a dream!
Character:*starts telling u dates* 06/12/24, 12/30/21,

Or maybe...(this one freaky😬)

*You and Character in dream doing things*
You: *realizes that i'm in a dream*
You: Hey... This is just a dream, you're fake...
Character: wdym? You're the fake one ... This is my dream..

Despite people telling me to not do it... I wanna do it.. I really want the date part to happen.. that'll make me real motivated, really.

On the first one I did that, I didn't know what will happen and I wasn't really aware.

I was with my little sister, we were chatting.. I did realize that I was in my dream, subconsciously. I told my sister, "hey, you realize we in a dream right?" She said "huh ok..." Then scene changed from there

The second I did it, I was aware of what will happen if I say that. I was in a restaurant. There were five boys in the restaurant as far as I can remember. Was kinda scared because there's 5 people and they might attack me and scare me and then they'll drag me to the dream world and I'll never wake up and be presumed dead and br forever be stuck in the dream world(sounds great tbh)

But anyways, I did it. And when I said this is just a dream, 2 of them(the closest to me) just looked at me and it scared me. They walked towards me while they were about to say, "you weren't supposed to know that" but before they said that, I ran past them and went to the 3rd closest one and sat on his lap to weirden the 2 out.

Despite being scared, I wanted to see what they would do next while the situation is weird. I wasn't really aware on what I did but all I know is that I did that cus I'm really scared and want to weirden them out but they I think it worked cus they kinda just stood there watching us then they just did their thing and uhh idk what happened to them but I kinda realized the situation.... ⁄(⁄°⁄Д⁄°⁄)⁄——..


The third part is when I dreamt of the game-like thingy. I was in a Japanese school. The dream is Dream 14 but basically, after the guards gave us the money, One of the guards was my brother. I don't know what happened but something hit me. I kind of realized that I'm in a dream then I thought should I do it?? I kind of spaced off thinking about it for a solid 30 seconds. Guards were talking about will we live or escape the next game? They were having their fun then my brother spoke "It doesn't really matter because this is just a dream, right?" I was shocked. WTF

They all agreed and laughed, then I thought.. so no scary stuff? Then someone jumpscared me and I got scared then they all laughed. Bruhh wtf r they doing to mee 😭😭. I peaked and got another jumpscare, I got scared again and of course, they laughed at me for falling for it the second time, siiigggghhhhhh......


The fourth is I was in a church but also a school, it was gigantic and cool but there were so many people inside so I went out. I dont know what happened but I went inside a jeepney.

There were atleast 5 people in there, I was thinking if I should do it and I did. "Hey, uh, this is just a dream.." they all kinda broke character and laughed at me, one of them said "I knew you were gonna say that!" While smiling, I felt weird and comfortable with them at the same time.. It felt like they were all proud of me. I felt my time coming so I asked a person something and I don't know if she answered or not but I woke up :(

I forgot what I asked her and what she told me.

Wow my spirit guides be playing with me ಠ_ʖಠ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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