Dream 13

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3 in 1👍

I had 2 hours of sleep because I slept at 2 in the morning and then got woken up by 4:30 in the morning since we had to go to church. We were early at the church as always, I wanted to sleep cus i'm really tired but whenever I close my eyes, My brain doesn't wanna sleep so then the church started.

At the 2nd part of the church, I fell asleep. I had a dream, I don't know what happened really but I had the feeling of it being weird, not just any weird! It's very weird... I've felt it more than 10 times so it didn't really bother me but I subconsciously took note cus this feeling will make you puke. I also felt like I had to solve something. I've dreamt a lot of these but this is the most recent dream I had that's like that. Then I woke up because my arm was hurting, I thought it was because the metal part of the bag was pressing on my arm abit too hard.

I slept again once I fixed the position and my posture. (I wanna say that I had a hard time fixing my position and sheezz because my arm kept stinging in every position that I used to feel nice with)

I had a new dream but it had the same feeling as the first one but the settings were all different, I might've been on a dessert I think, I forgot cuz things weren't quite vivid as my other dreams. The case that I'm gonna solve was also different. I don't know what happened but I know that many happened before I woke up again because my other arm was now stinging. I woke up taking the bag off my arm then seeing an imprint of the metal part of the bag. I fixed my posture but this time it was easy cus I thought of an idea before I went back in my slumber ...

I had a third dream, the location is changed again... It looked like an arcade but I only focused on one. I don't know if I was with someone or not but the thing is that something's up with the atmosphere. That was what I was trying to figure out.

I then woke up from being tapped from behind, it was my mom. She told me to focus on the church now cus I had my sleep and I looked around and it was now time for the third to the last part... Uh oh..


I think it had to do with my arm stinging
I think all those three dreams are connected to the same lore that's unsolved

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