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“George! What yer doin’ here?” Abby said, hitting him on the arm annoyed that he’d crept up on us like that.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare yer” he said apologetically with a toothy smile.

“Hi George” I said. This was going to be awkward I thought. Abby had been trying to avoid George ever since the incident where he kissed her at my house because she was unsure of how she felt about him and because she had just been hurt by John. But then the other day she had decided that she was going to see George at the Casbah and maybe see if he wanted to give it a go. Things were going to get rather complicated I thought, I could sense Abby knew that too. She couldn’t keep avoiding George, he was mates with John and Paul. I knew Abby and John clicked personality wise but what if he hurt her again? And George seemed like a nice guy I didn’t want to see him upset if Abby rejected him.

“Abby… about that night” George began. Oh god, I thought. It was like John all over again. A lot was happening today I must say.

“I was gonna y’know uh apologise for kissing yer and stuff” he continued, “but I don’t wanna apologise, I sorta like yer.”

I mentally face palmed and almost laughed at the thought.

“George can you just uh, give us a minute?” Abby asked.


Abby turned around whilst making me do the same. We now had our backs to George.

“What do I do?” she whispered so George wouldn’t hear.

I was about as dumb struck as she was, what on earth was I supposed to say? Should I encourage her to reject George because she’d already accepted John? Or should I tell her that George seemed like a better match for her? To be fair Abby had spent more time with John than George so perhaps they had talked more but George obviously liked what he saw I mean I didn’t blame him – from anyone’s outside view Abby was a pretty girl with a great sense of humour who was always up for a good laugh.

“I dunno!” I whispered back, a hint of panic in my voice.

“I can’t decide right now! What am I supposed to tell him? I don’t wanna hurt his feelings! But I just told John I gave him a second chance I can’t go back on that!”

“Maybe you should just tell him the truth y’know? Tell him that John’s asked you for a second chance and you said yes. He’s John’s mate I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Abby closed her eyes. I placed my hand on her arm reassuringly. This was a tough decision for Abby but I wanted her to know that I was right here by her side.

“Whatever you choose I’ll support you okay?” I said in hushed tones.

Abby murmured ‘okay’ under her breath and slowly turned around as did I. George had a confused look on his face, and looked at the both of us waiting for an answer.

“George” Abby breathed.


“Um, I have to tell you something.”

I almost felt like running away at that moment, I couldn’t handle the tension in the air, the waiting. The fact that I knew what was coming was the worst thing. I didn’t think I’d be able to bear seeing George’s face. He seemed like a really nice guy from the little time I had spent with him in Paul’s company. I wondered how George and Abby had got on when they were alone at my house that evening. There must have been something that Abby liked about George or she wouldn’t have felt so torn right now.

“George, I…er, like you.”

George’s smile appeared but quickly disappeared when Abby said ‘but’.

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