Till There Was You

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The next afternoon Abby and I talked about what we were going to wear as we rode the bus home after school.

“I have nothing to wear” Abby decided, crossing her arms.

“Abby you have plenty of clothes” I said, rolling my eyes.

“But I can’t think of anything!” she complained, “I want to knock John’s socks off so he’ll notice me.”

“I’m pretty sure he already knows you exist” I told her, “but how about you just go home and find something and then come over to mine okay?”

Abby and I had an elaborate plan set in place for the evening. It was essential that all parts of the plan went according to schedule or it would be ruined. First we would ride the bus to my house to get her clothes and things and bring them over to mine. She had decided to tell her parents that she was going for a sleepover at mine so they wouldn’t find out about the show as we both knew they would kill her otherwise. Then we would both get ready at mine, careful to make sure Dad didn’t see us, and when he would leave for work at around half six as we would have to do was wait for Paul to come and pick us up. It was a mighty fine plan if I do say so myself. A few minutes later the bust to a stop. Abby and I got off.

“I’ll see you soon for our sleepover” Abby winked. I laughed.

“Yeah, real soon.”

Abby went her way and I went mine as we parted – but we would soon be reunited.

I greeted Dad after I let myself in. “Hey Dad.”

“Afternoon sunshine” he said cheerily.

“What are you so happy about?” I asked sceptically looking at him.

“You know I worked a couple of extra shifts about two weeks ago?”

“Yeah…” I dragged out the word wondering what any of this had to do with me.

“Well my boss at work said I had done a good job so he gave me a little bonus.”

“Dad! That’s great!” I exclaimed, rushing to hug him.

“Hey, hey” he said steadying me, “it’s not much just a little bit.”

I still wouldn’t stop smiling widely. He smiled back at me.

“So I got you a little something.” He said.

“You did?!”

“Yes, I’ll show you.” He left the hall and disappeared into the front room, returning seconds later. “Close your eyes” he said. I obeyed, holding out my hands.


I looked down at my hands and there was a book.

“Pride and Prejudice” I read, “hmm, I’ve never read this one before.”

“Well I think it’s about time you did” he said, “it’s exactly the sort of thing you would like.”

“Wow, thanks Dad!” I said happily, hugging him again, clutching the book in my hand. He hugged me back equally as hard.

I raced upstairs and flicked through the pages of the book. Then I felt a knot in my stomach as I remembered that I would be deceiving Dad - again. Going to the show whilst lying about having a sleepover.  I mean technically Abby would be sleeping over at my house after we got back from the show but Dad wouldn’t know I was going to see Paul. He didn’t even know about Paul.

As much as I didn’t want to as I felt queasy and guilty I knew I had to go downstairs to tell Dad that Abby would be coming over for the night. The last thing I wanted was to get caught in a web of lies that I had inevitably been spinning ever since Paul had asked me on a date. But the thought of never seeing Paul again, now that was a whole lot worse. That would be horrific. The first boy that’s ever taken an interest in me, who also happens to be incredibly good looking and very charming – I couldn’t lose that. I couldn’t lose Paul.

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