You Can't Do That

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Today was Friday – my date with Paul was today. I flung open my curtains and an autumn sun glowed. Another nice day.

 I quickly ate breakfast then left the house shouting “bye” to Dad and walked to the busstop.

“Fancy seeing you here” Abby said, leaning against a lamppost, next to the busstop.

“Well good morning to you too” I said, unable to hide my smile for we both knew today was the day.

Abby always got to the busstop before me on account of her living further away from it than me. She never complained about waiting, possibly because she knew I’d do the same.

“All set for the date tonight then?” she asked, nudging me.

“Yeah, luckily Dad didn’t see the dress yesterday – it’s safe.”

“Great, I knew it would be fine.” Abby’s levels of optimism amazed me sometimes.

The bus arrived and we got on. As we took out seats I noticed a familiar figure sitting a couple of rows in front of us on the opposite aisle. Leather jacket, greased hair.

“Hey isn’t that John?” I said nudging Abby.

“I think so” she said, “John?”

The guy turned around and it was indeed John – he had very distinctive features that made the sort of impression on you that you wouldn’t easily forget.

“Fancy seeing you here” he said getting up and taking the seat in front of us but turning around to face us.

“I could say the same to you” Abby said. I could tell she was pleased to see John. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m getting the bus into town m’dear.” He said looking at Abby, “and I hear that Michelle here has got a got a date with me friend Paulie tonight, that right?” He turned to me.

“Yes, but how did you know?” I said to him, then turning to Abby.

“He told me. Said he’s real lucky too cuz she’s a beauty.” I immediately blushed after that but couldn’t surpress a small smile.

The bus jerked to an abrupt stop and John stood up.

“Well this is me stop ladies. Nice to see you again. Oh and Abby, any chance I could get yer hosue phone number?”

Abby took out a pen and grabbed John’s hand.

“There you go. But don’t call for too long my Dad doesn’t like it.”

“Cheers m’dear” he said, winking at her before getting off the bus.

“I told you he liked you!” I said, when John had left.

“We’ll see…” Abby said crossing her arms, smiling.

We got off the bus and walked to school.

Jimmy Green was feeling particularly rebellious today which provided some amusement for the class. He even still had a smile on his face when he was sent to the principle by our teacher for a caning. I wondered how people could still put on a brave face like that.

At lunchtime an unpleasant sight awaited Abby and I. This unpleasantness was in the form of Bethany Stewart. She was sitting at our table – we always sat at the same one,  we had sort of claimed it – with two particularly nasty looking girls on either side of her.

“Alright Micky?” she smirked.

“What do you want Stewart?” Abby snarled. Bethany ignored Abby.

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