Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished

Start from the beginning

Y/N starts the fight off by rushing at a slime delivering a few punches to it before upper cutting it into the air for Amber to shoot at

Aether traps a few of the slime in a wind tunnel

Aether: Barbara Now!


Aether and Barbara unleash a powerful duo attack which effectively kills off their slimes that they was facing

Y/N has just managed to best a few slimes on his own while Amber kills off the last one

Y/N:Well that's the last one let's get back shall we?

Aether:Yeah besides I'm sure Lumine is curious as to where I went since I kinda left without telling her

Y/N:Yeah I'm sure she is causing a bit of havoc right now

The four begin their trek back to Mondstadt

As the four are making their way back Y/N begins to stare at the sky

Y/N:I wander what Fischl Lisa and Eula are doing?

Y/N catches up to Aether Barbara and Amber walking along side the three

A little while later the four approach the entrance of Mondstadt where Lumine is causing a commotion

Aether:Geeze I better go stop her

Aether then runs into the city to stop his sister

Before Y/N could step into amber and Barbara both kiss Y/Ns cheeks (A/N:the face cheeks not the other ones) before rushing to help Aether with Lumine

Suddenly a bolt of lightning hits Y/N knocking him out which then two masked individuals appear and pick up Y/N which the two carry him to a unknown location

Y/Ns PoV

I slowly wake up after being knocked unconscious to find myself strapped to a chair in a dark room

Y/N:Where am I?

Suddenly I hear a door being shut

Y/N:Who's there?

????:Hello Y/N I see that you are awake now...

Y/N:Who are you?!

???? 2:Come now you should recognize us by the sounds of our voices darling~

Y/N:Darling? Wait Lisa is that you?! Then where is Fischl and Eula?

Eula:We are right here

Eula says as she steps into the light from the darkness with Fischl and Lisa

Y/N:Girls? What's going on? Why am I strapped to this chair for

All of a sudden Fischl fires a arrow from her bow at my knee

A/N:Props if you know where the mentioned action comes from double props if you play where the action comes from

I let out a scream of pain

Y/N:Augh!!! Fischl why?!

Fischl:Silent traitor! You have no right to talk to us after what you did!!

Y/N:What did I do?! All I did was go and kill off some slimes with Amber Aether and Barbara Nothing more!

Lisa:Yes you did but it was what Amber and Barbara did that caused this scenario to happen after you returned

I started to wonder what she meant but then it hit me

Y/N:Are you serious?! The kiss on the cheeks is what got me here?! You three ought to know that they don't have feelings for me! Besides I'm dating you three am I not?!

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