part 10 a change of heart/ Christmas threat

427 10 1

With rocky and gasket

Gasket: what are we going to do, rocky?

Rocky: Well, we better hurry in there and hope the parts are all still there

Gasket: but if not?

Rocky: they said this store always had a stock of that part. We are sure to find one

Gasket: ok, then let's go

They quickly rush into the store. I hope to see if they still have a part among the vast amount of customers that showed up at that store

With skye, Everest, Ella, and sweetie

Skye: so sweetie, why did you decide to come? I know you said your ok with it but still, would you rather stay at barkingburg

Sweetie: yes, but I have to give a gift to someone

Everest: who is it?

Sweetie: does it matter

Skye: Yeah, it does. Oh, come on, is it to some you like

Sweetie: why should I tell you

Ella: oh, come on, stop hiding it. We can sense it

Sweetie: sense it? Look, I have to give this gift as well an appreciation gift and

Skye: skye and?

Sweetie: look, I tell when we leave, so stop bullying me about it, ok

Skye: ok

Somewhere in foggy bottom

Mayor humdinger: would you look at all those gifts just sitting at the paw patrol lookout? Hmm, all for the taking

He thinks how to steal their gifts with no problem

Mayor humdinger: alright, kitty patrol to adventure bay. We have a plan to put into action

With rocky and gasket which are frantically looking around the store to find that last part

Rocky: damm, not here either. What about you gasket anything

Gasket: nope, wait rocky, get over here

Rocky: on it

Rocky rushes to gasket to see she has one last part they have been looking for

Rocky: you found it!

Gasket: yup, it was the last one here. Everyone is doing last-minute Christmas shopping here

Rocky: ok, cool, let go and chec-

Rocky then bumps into a young boy no little than ten years old

Rocky: so sorry, are you, ok kid

Kid: yes, I am. I am looking for a part

Gasket: would it happen to look like this part

Gasket shows the little boy the part, and his face lights up

Kid: yes, where did you get I need it

Rocky: sorry, but I was able to find the last one

The kids show a bit of saddens in his voice, but he continues to smile

Kid: it's ok maybe next year; I was hoping to use this part to build a machine to help me cycle out of a river

Rocky: Recycling?

Kid: yeah, it may be boring, but it's what I like to do

Rocky: it's not boring. It's helpful to the world and others

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