part 3 tree decor shenanigans

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Eventually, all the pups made their way back to the lookout until Everest noticed her boyfriend

Everest: MARSHALL!!!!

Marshall: EVEREST!!!

The two-run into each other, but Everest tackle him to the ground into a pile of snow and attacks with kisses all over his face

Skye: wow, Everest, you just saw him on Thanksgiving. It was not that long ago

Everest then stopped to let them both get back on all their fours

Everest: it just I missed you a lot, and we rarely get to see each other

Marshall: I know I've  missed you too. I didn't know you were here

Everest: I and skye were doing something, and when we got the call, I decided to come

Marshall: it nice to be with you again

The two muzzle each other for a few seconds until

Chase: hey, not to interfere, but we still need to head up to the lookout

Marshall: right

They head up only to find ryder with a surprise instead 

Ryder: thanks for coming, pups, but there are no missions, so sorry

Pups: what!!?

Chase: seriously, man, we were busy, buyin- I mean doing something important

Ryder: but we have something to do. I finally got the tree, and we all had to decorate

Pups: yay!!

Ryder: let's go downstairs into the living room get decorating

The pups all get together and start working on the decor of the tree and the lookout and have some fun with each other

Skye: lookout, pups, I coming through

As she flies past them carrying ornaments to put around the tree

Everest: Woah skye, you nearly hit me

Skye: sorry, even just having fun

Everest: yeah, I know but be careful

Chase: besides, we are decorating everything might have fun. This is  going to take a while

Marshall: Yeah, besides, I kind of wanna if she a bit early and get back to what me and chase we're doing

Everest: ooh really, what were you doing

Marshall: sorry, eve, but It's a secret until I feel like telling

Everest: oh come on, I'm your girlfriend

Marshall: sorry, I can't

Everest: aww, that's fine

After some time, as they continue to decorate the lookout and the tree, skye gets an idea

Skye: why don't we hang this up above the doorway

Marshall: what could you be hanging above the doorway

Chase: Yeah, won't it just get in the way

The two fallow her and fell for her trick because what she did hang was a mistletoe

Skye: Haa got you two

Chase: what!!?

Marshall: Oh come on, really

Everest:oooo nice work skye

Zuma: did I hear that right? Are they actually under a mistletoe

Skye: yup

Rocky: oh boy, I have to see this

Rubble: you guys know you have to do it

Chase: do we have to

Marshall: yeah, where both guys

Skye: it's the rule now get it over with

Chase and marshall turn and are staring directly face to face and quickly kiss each other on the lips

Chase: eww! so gross

Marshall:puh! Yeah, worst feeling  every

Rocky: haha! I can't believe I saw that

Zuma: one of the funniest tricks where

Rubble: wow, that is just gross

Chase: I hope you had your laughs out. Now let's go back to the decorating

Skye: alright, let's go

The pups with ryder continue to decorate until noon(12pm)

Ryder: excellent job, pups. All that left is the star on top skye

Skye: I'm on it

Skye then grabs the state and flye to put the star on the top of the tree

Skye: there it is

Chase: excellent work. The tree and the lookout are finally ready for Christmas

Skye: thank you, and it sure looks pretty

Ryder: good work, pups it ready for Christmas so you guys can have to do what you want until its time for bed, so have fun

Rocky: alright, guys, I will be gone for a while

Chase: where have you been going

Rocky: sorry, all I can say is I have a plan

Rocky then leave, leaving distraught about what he has a plan for

Chase: ok, marshall, we have to get going to

Skye: Yeah, us to Everest

Everest: give me one moment

Evrest then walks up to marshall and place a kiss on his cheek whit makes him blush little

Everest: I love you, and I will be back

Marshall: I love you too. I'll see you later

They all have and head back to what were they doing before leaving Zuma, rubble, and ryder

Zuma: well, I have to stop by the mall, guys. I have to get something

Rubble: ok then

Ryder: hey rubble, why don't you help me get the food for Christmas

Rubble: I would love to help with food ryder

Ryder: ok, then let's go

They, too, head out to get the ingredients for Christmas dinner and ryder else has something else well he wants to do

Ryder: hey rubble, is it okay we stop somewhere do a minute

Rubble: sure, I don't mind as long we get to the food

Ryder: ok, thank and we will

The two head to what ryder wanted to stop by

Author note
Ok, I change the title too because this story won't be short but won't be highly long. I see what happens, so I hope you enjoy

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