part 8 kaite help /rocky?

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With ryder, who is currently rising over to the jewelry shop because of an issue they have

Ryder: ok, I'm here. What is the issue

Worker: you see, your order was supposed to be delivered here, but an accident happened well it got delivered to another store that is out of town

Ryder: what!!?

Worker: sorry, and we can't have it resend here until the following two week

Ryder: no, that's a problem. I need it this week coming up

Worker: if you need it that badly, why don't you pick it up from the other store? I'll let them know you are heading there

Ryder: that would take hours, and I can't leave the pups alone

Ryder stops to think and get an idea

Ryder: ok, I'm heading there, but I need help

Ryder then calls kaite

Katie: hey ryder

Ryder: hey, Katie. I need your help

Katie: my help?

Ryder: well, I have to head out for a few hours, and I was hoping you could take care of lookout and watch the pups while I'm gone

Kaite: sure ryder I can do that

Ryder: thanks, kaite. I knew I could always count on you

Katie: no problem. I head over right away

Ryder: thanks. I will be back in a few hours

Katie then makes her way to the lookout and sees chase and marshall playing

Katie: Hey, pups

Chase: hey kaite, what brings you here

Katie: oh, ryder said to come to look after you guys. He went out for a few hours

Marshall: Oh, do you know why?

Kaite: I don't know why but he had to go to a store far away

Marshall: oh, ok, but Katie, what did you get ryder for Christmas

Katie: well, it has to be a secret, but I can say he would love it

Marshall: I just remembered we have to wrap out back up gifts chase

Kaite: back up a gift?

Chase: oh, you see marshall and me. had got gifts for skye and Everest, but we were told it might not make it on time, so we got this instead for them just in case

Katie: that is sweet of you two, but why don't you tell them why

Marshall: well, it won't feel right if we gave them nothing while they got us something

Katie: I guess you're right

Chase: do you want to help us to wrap them, Katie

Katie: sure, I don't mind helping

Katie then goes to help them wrap their backup gifts

With the skye, Everest, and Ella a few hours later

Skye: Well, today was fun

Everest: it sure was, so do you guys want to head back

Ella: sure, I bet there wondering where we are

They make their way back and see Katie waiting for them

Skye: Hey Katie, what are you doing here

Katie: oh, I'm just looking after you guys until ryder comes back. He has to do something

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