Happy Progress Day.

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"You know I'm suprised I still have to sneak around." (Y/n) said as he stood behind the wall next to his fiancée. "I mean we engaged and dating and at least spend every night together."

"Don't be suprised babe, we both know my mother is ...What's the word?" Caitlyn asked as she racked her brain for a polite word to use on her mother.

"A bitch." (Y/n) simply said as if it was a natural thing.

"Yes.. wait hold on?" Caitlyn said as she realized what she agreed to.

"Exactly, I'm just saying let's ease it in somehow, you know we need to get your parent to like me but we need a fake name as well, your mom would easily regonize my name." He said as he thought about it. 

"Yeah, you wouldn't even believe how many strings she pulled to have me here." Caitlyn groaned.

"Exactly," (Y/n) pressed Caitlyn against the wall he was hiding at, away from the eyes of her mother, "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just wish she'd tone it down, maybe just maybe then I would tell her." She said as she laid her head against his chest.

"I know, baby, I know but when that time comes around I'd be there holding your hand and standing strong for the both of us." (Y/n) kissed the top of hair before lifting her face with his chin before giving light and gentle kisses like she loves in situations like this. 

"But are you really okay with me being an enforcer?" Caitlyn asked as she let go of the kiss just resting her chin on his chest so that she could look up at him.

"It did bother me but then I realized that if there's one thing the world needs, it's a good Enforcer, one who isn't as selfish as the rest. You being an enforcer is meant to be, so that you could change everything alright." As he went for a deeper kiss this time that went into a full make out before the two parted away.

He looked up and saw Jayce looking for Caitlyn making him scowl.

"Well her comes Progress Boy, see you later Cupcake and remember... you're bloody mine." (Y/n) said smirking as he saw Caitlyn go wide eyed with a blush. "Toodles baby girl. I love you, bye" He quickly said as he sneaked up onto the roof of the building next to her parent's tent amd watched Caitlyn try to do her job with Jayce annoying her. She looked up as Jayce left and saw (Y/n) crouching down looking at her. 

This is how she truly felt safe, knowing her fiancé would always watch over her and such. She blowed him a kiss and saw him catch putting it in his pocket then blow her a kiss while she did the same. She mouthed 'I love you too' to him and saw him mske hearts with his heart and pretend to die from a heart attack making her giggle.

He always felt better watching over Caitlyn, it was a normal thing between the two, they wanted to be close to each other but couldn't, if her mom were to see him she would murder him in his sleep. Of course, (Y/n) wasn't afraid of her but he wanted to give Caitlyn the peace of mind so he decided to wait alongside her.

He sat down fully on the edge instead of crouching so he could eat his sandwich Caitlyn made him earlier this morning when she sneaked into his house which was actually his old Piltie house which no one bothered to buy.

But as time passes by he sees Caitlyn sneaking away from her parents tent making him smirk as he knows she's up to trouble. So he just ran or either walked the edges of the roof to stay out of sight and follow her. He saw her move towards one of those Airships or transports and try to sneak in without looking suspicious.  

"I swear this girl." (Y/n) muttered as he stealthily sneaked onto the ship and walked along the burned planks of the ship that suprisingly supported his weight. 

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