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The moment the phone was hung up, Wen Ke felt that his heartbeat was almost still.
This was no longer from any rational thinking, he sensed a strong uneasiness in Han Jiangque's tone, from Han Jiangque's strange words, which was out of the instinctive trembling of a creature in the face of
Wen Ke could hardly remember when he had been so panicked, he leaned on the telephone pole and frantically dialed Han Jiangque's own mobile phone, but no one answered all the
When Wen Ke held the mobile phone tightly and listened to the busy tone, it seemed that he could also hear the thunder of his chest "fluttering" at the same time.
Jiang Chao had just pulled the car out of the parking lot, and he was also startled when he saw Wen Ke's expression through the window.
Omega's face was almost completely bloodless, and in such a cold winter, there were still several drops of sweat on the tip of her nose.

wrong? What happened? Jiang Chao stepped out and asked in a low voice. Wen Ke held the car door: "Han Jiang Que he, he, I..." As soon as he spoke, he realized how much his voice was shaking, and the syllables he said could not even form a sentence.

"You have to calm down."
Seeing Wen Ke's panicked look, Jiang Chao's eyes also flashed a solemn look, but then he immediately said in a deep voice: "Was it Mr. Han who called you just now?" What happened to him? Perhaps it was this series of questions that made Wen Ke calm down a little in the confusion, and he whispered, "He called him, but he was very strange."

"What's weird?" words... It was strange, like something I couldn't say, vague, and in a hurry. He told me—not to forget him.
Wen Ke took a deep breath, of course he knew that the situation was more critical than ever, and at such a time, he had to leave all the panic behind.
His mind was almost in the form of a strong boot, running rapidly, recalling and sorting out the phone call just
At that time, although he asked many questions in one breath, Han Jiangque's first words were: "I have something to say to you." What kind of precipitous situation would make even a sentence so urgent?
And the next sentence that Han Jiangque said was: "You promised me, never forget the time in our love - all my love for you, is there, don't forget

It was a too strange sentence, strange from beginning to end.
"Time in love", this sentence form, does not appear in Han Jiangque's daily expression at all.
On the surface, of course, this seems to be a farewell, but why did Han Jiangque say goodbye?
They were about to usher in their final happiness, why did Han Jiangque choose to say goodbye to him in a hurry at this time?
After hearing Wen Ke's retelling, Jiang Chao's expression suddenly changed slightly: "He only said this sentence and hung up the phone?" He hung it himself?
Wen Ke and Jiang Chao looked at each other, and in that instant, the faces of both of them turned livid.

The answer – ready to come out.

That was the answer that made Wen Ke's body almost frozen.
Han Jiangque is being held hostage, and Han Jiangque is facing danger to his life!
He shook his body and supported the car, then slammed the car door and drilled in, saying sharply: "Jiang Chao, you will call Han Zhan now and ask them if Han Jiangque has not yet arrived in H City?"
Jiang Chao didn't say a word, nodded and sat in the driver's seat, dialing the phone while starting the car.
And Wen Ke was also calling Zhuo Yuan repeatedly at the same time, and there was always no one answering, he was already going crazy, wanting to throw the phone out, wanting to shout, like a desperate beast trying to tear open his chest and rush out.
The "beep" sound of the phone sounded like a stone falling into the sea, making Wen Ke's heartbeat
Jiang Chao, who was beside him, also turned his head at this time and shook his head at Wen Ke: "Mr. Han did not return to H City at all today, and they cannot contact him." With a "bang", Wen Ke's eyes were red, and he slammed his fist on the car window.
He lost all clues and clues.
He couldn't save Han Jiangque.
Wen Ke's eyes widened, staring dead at the sky outside the car window--the green mountains in front of Jincheng were quietly covered with snow and frost, and everything was harsh white.

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