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The feeling of the sky spinning continued for a while, but Han Jiangque could still vaguely feel that after being rudely dragged out of the car, he was directly thrown on the cement floor.
Then there was a faint sound of a very low conversation around him, and the chaotic footsteps of several people walking around, and in the chaos, he felt as if his face had been splashed with water, and suddenly he was
The sudden stimulation made his whole body shake and open his eyes suddenly.

The scene in front of me was still heavy at first, and the roof of the abandoned parking lot seemed to be
Han Jiangque wiped his face with his hand, only to see that the fingers were stained with thin blood, flowing down the finger slits, and the color was very

A familiar gloomy voice came from the top of Han Jiangque's
Han Jiangque's headache was severe, but he still immediately tried to stand up and sit
When he looked up, he saw Zhuo Yuan, who was wearing a black coat, looking down at him coldly, and at that moment, Han Jiangque felt a chill in his vest and had a very bad
The ribs should have been broken one or two, and as soon as he pressed his chest, the inside was stinging badly, and he inhaled as lightly as possible, not to stimulate his own injury.

Of course, the head hurts, but the impact is not
Behind Zhuo Yuan, the rear of Han Jiangque's Land Rover had been hit by a black SUV, and the tail was sunken in, and the exhaust pipe emitted a wisp of white
Five or six other Alphas stood around and surrounded them so firmly, all dressed in all shapes, but all tall and
strong. <
Han Jiangque's gaze moved slowly, and he intently observed several Alpha's
I saw that the palms of these people were rough skin, the bone joints were also very large, and even more or less with old wounds, and one of them even lacked a knuckle in his little
Han Jiang que instantly realized that the people brought by Zhuo Yuan this time were not even regular bodyguards, but some outlaws who were outlaws out of the
Such a venue, bring these
These are extremely dangerous signals.

Yuan," Han Jiang Que took a breath and said in a dumb voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Well, what do I want to

Zhuo Yuan sneered and spoke very slowly.

His brown-red leather boots took a step forward, and then stopped in front of Han Jiangque.

Han Jiang Que was silent and did not open his
After waiting for a few seconds, Zhuo Yuan suddenly raised one foot and kicked at Han Jiangque's chest area fiercely.

This kick made Han Jiang Que suddenly snort heavily.

His ribs were already broken, and this kick made his lungs hurt terribly, and his whole body curled up in pain, and cold sweat came out of his
Zhuo Yuan stared at Alpha at his feet, and a hint of happiness appeared in his eyes: "Han Jiangque, don't you know what I want to
do?" SSince you want to force people to a desperate road, you have to know that people are forced to be anxious and will do crazy things, right?

As he spoke, he slowly squatted down and grabbed Han Jiangque's collar and said slowly, "I asked Wen Ke to warn you not to do anything to the extreme." You two just don't listen, since there is no Yangguan Road, then it seems that all of us have only this one-wood bridge to go. His

tone was cold, and the meaning inside gave a frightening feeling.
Han Jiang Que looked very embarrassed at this time, the dark blood stains stuck to his face, and the beautiful lines of his chin were also stained with dust, but his dark eyes flashed a rare calm
Years of boxing experience, so that Han Jiangque has a much more accurate grasp of his physical state than the average
He knew that the current injury was far from fatal, and it seemed frightening, but it was actually not as big as the boxing match with some sinister points.

The original intention of Zhuo Yuan's gang was definitely not to kill him directly, but to knock him out of most of his ability to
When he temporarily lost his proud and strong physique, Han Jiangque's head had to move rapidly, and he had to find a way to deal with it from the extremely bad
"Zhuo Yuan, you want to kill me, you don't need to bother so
Han Jiang Que looked at Zhuo Yuan, and did not even show any anger, but said word by word: "There is no need to bring so many people to deliberately block me in the abandoned parking
lot." What do you want? Zhuo Yuan looked at

Han Jiangque's face--this was a unique face.

He remembered that in high school, the Omega would run to the door of their class between classes and peek at Han Jiangque sleeping on his stomach at the
As Han Jiang Que walked carelessly through the corridor, the Omega would shyly huddle together and
Han Jiangque is the notorious bad boy, out of place, rebellious and
stubborn. But what everyone didn't

know was that Han Jiangque was also a prominent figure in the North Third.

In contrast, Zhuo Yuan is not a bad boy, he is gentle, his grades are upstream, and he is very polite to every
But he just, very mediocre.

Zhuo Yuan's eyes quickly flashed a hint of darkness, but he quickly hid
He came today, again on the brink of desperate desperation, and he had no time to
Zhuo Yuan loosened Han Jiangque's collar, stepped back a little, and suddenly revealed a very shallow
"You're not as stupid as I thought you
He straightened the cuffs of his shirt, and then said lightly: "Han Jiangque, I am too lazy to talk nonsense, I know that you have found a relationship with the procuratorate, come up with some evidence, and have been detaining my father in the investigation, trying to involve my
uncle." I want you to call your subordinates now, withdraw your relationships and materials, say that the documents are fake, the evidence is fake, the witnesses make false testimony, and whatever you want.
"But just today, I want my dad to get me out of the detention center right away."
Zhuo Yuan held out his hand, and Alpha immediately leaned over and took out a mobile phone from his coat and handed it to Zhuo Yuan's
Zhuo Yuan just spread his palms flat, handed the mobile phone to Han Jiangque, and said contemptuously: "Han Jiangque, make a few phone calls, and now I will calm things
down." What do you think? In order to save your life, you should be able to do it, right?
Han Jiangque did not immediately take the mobile phone, but raised his head and quietly looked at Zhuo

He knew that the few phone calls that fluttered in Zhuo Yuan's mouth meant that all the preparations he had made before would be abandoned in an
Half a year, in this half a year, he used all his strength, and even Wen Ke and Wen Ke had a grudge, so gritting their teeth to deploy the strike plan, facing such a cruel choice when they were one step away from
A snowflake fell quietly from nowhere and landed on Zhuo Yuan's
For a few seconds, the entire parking lot was so quiet that all that could be heard was the howling of the
Silence, still suffocating
Zhuo Yuan suddenly smiled and turned his head to give Alpha a look to the
The burly Alpha, dressed in a gray sweater, understood the spirit, grabbed Han Jiangque's collar, directly picked up the injured Alpha, and then clenched his fists and smashed a fist on the right side of Han Jiangque's
Han Jiang stumbled back two steps, and finally reluctantly supported the body of the Land Rover with his hand, and barely sat down on the ground
Before he could stand, another Alpha grabbed his hair from behind and slammed his face against the cold lid.
When he was hit on the head, his teeth accidentally bit off a small piece of
Han Jiang Que couldn't help but let out a low roar, his mouth and cavity were full of bloody taste, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of thick
Zhuo Yuan also stood up, and his footsteps briskly approached Han Jiangque's side and whispered, "Han Jiangque, do you make this call or
Han Jiang Que was pressed against the car cover with his face on the side, and could only tilt his head to look at Zhuo Yuan with this humiliating

He gritted his teeth, and after a few seconds, he squeezed four words out of between his teeth: "Call
Zhuo Yuan suddenly grinned.

He leaned over and whispered in Han Jiangque's ear, "Han Jiangque, after we have met these times after graduation, you have been very rude to
me." Of course, I also know that after all, I have fucked and your favorite Wen Ke for ten years, and you have a lot of opinions about me in your heart, but your attitude still makes me very unhappy - can you understand? Now the matter of calling is really not me begging you, it is you begging me, begging me to give you a way to live. Han Jiangque, you have to show some sincerity, you have to make my heart a little happier, right? The

daffodil pheromone on Zhuo Yuan's body came to his nose, and with his sympathetic voice, Han Jiangque's back could not help but get a bunch of goosebumps, as if he was being attached to a poisonous snake and talking.
Han Jiangque closed his eyes tightly, and after a while, he finally said softly, "Zhuo Yuan, yes, I'm sorry, you let me
"Han Jiangque, it's not so

easy." Tell me, you like Wen Ke so much, but the first time he took off and stripped off his clothes, the first time he was bitten on the neck, it was not for you, you were actually uncomfortable, right? TThat's why you're taking revenge on me like that, right? Zhuo Yuan looked at the handsome Alpha in front of him with

blood stains on his face, and his tone had a kind of uncontrollable excitement He had long wanted to say this, brazenly saying the worst thoughts in his heart.

While belittling Wen Ke, it is even more able to make Han Jiangque feel

pain and humiliation, which must make him happy with any torture he inflicts on Han Jiangque -- he wants Han Jiangque to know that the first person who possesses Wenke is him, which is a supreme victory.

Han Jiangque's long eyelashes trembled, and he said in a dumb voice, "I like Wen Ke too much, and his affair with you makes me too
miserable." Zhuo Yuan, let me call, please, okay? This

was the first time in his life that he had begged for forgiveness in front of Zhuo Yuan.
At that moment, his pain was more than just a knife in his
heart. Cruelty, selfishness, hypocrisy -

Zhuo Yuan is a fusion of all his most despised qualities, and he is a master of despicableness.

Just as a wounded wolf would never sneak up on a hyena, he never wanted to show weakness in front of Zhuo Yuan, he was proud in his bones, even if he had nothing in his youth, no one could make him lower his stubborn
There is nothing cruel in the world than to delay one's own dignity.

If it had been a day ago, he would rather have been beaten to death than ask for forgiveness.
But now it's
different. Zhuo Yuan thought that stimulating him with Wen Ke would make him

collapse, but what Zhuo Yuan didn't know was that after those words last night--mentioning Zhuo Yuan would only make him mature and calm like never before.

Now he was no longer the lonely Han Jiangque he had
He is the Alpha who will accompany Wen Ke throughout his life, and he is Xiaoxue and Nian Nian's
He will not fall down easily.

Zhuo Yuan looked at the pale, trembling Alpha in front of him, and for a moment, he almost had a sense of accomplishment in defeating the biggest enemy in his
Han Jiangque was not so indestructible, and would also weakly beg for forgiveness from him because he was afraid of
He even condescended to produce a trace of sympathy.

He gestured with his eyes to Alpha to let go of his hand, sneered, handed the phone to Han Jiangque, and then took out a metal cigarette case from his
Han Jiangque wiped the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, looked at the mobile phone expressionlessly, and suddenly looked up and asked: "Is this your mobile
"You when I was a

fool?" Zhuo Yuan dismissively lit a cigarette: "I will bring my own mobile phone over?" HHe

was obviously very knowledgeable about doing such a shady thing, and acting without his own phone was like destroying surveillance when B was making a big move, and he wouldn't leave evidence.
"I'm going to make three phone calls next, people inside the procuratorate, a manager who deploys the whole situation, and subordinates who are working
Han Jiangque said very calmly.

"I don't care how many phone calls you
Zhuo Yuan said impatiently, "As long as I am next, I will immediately hear the person I installed in the detention center calling me and telling me that the formalities for my father to go out are completed,

When Han Jiang Que dialed the number, his fingers couldn't help but shake slightly, but he knew that this was not the time to hesitate, he had to do it according to Zhuo Yuan's meaning first.
The first person to call is the manager, then through the manager to the key people in the procuratorate, and then to the subordinates.

These three calls, of course, were made with hands-free turned on and were made under Zhuo Yuan's strict
Manager Cai, Han Jiangque's subordinate, could also hear some hints from Han Jiangque's abrupt orders and strange tone, and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Han, is something
happening?" Where are you now? This time is too tight, let the detention center release people immediately, this is not in line with the procedure at all, it is very difficult to do.
Han Jiang Que took a deep breath, and before he could speak, he felt a dagger already in his throat, and an Alpha next to him looked at him coldly with a knife in his

hand. <

Han Jiangque said calmly, "Immediately do as I say, I don't care what method you use, how much money you spend to make a point, within ten minutes, I must make zhuo Yuan's father go through the formalities and leave the detention center, the procedures can be made up, but this matter absolutely cannot be delayed."
Do you understand?
Zhuo Yuan took a puff of his cigarette and motioned for his men to take the

He sat on the cover of another car, a pair of eyes gloomy looking at Han Jiangque leaning on the Land Rover, with an unusual turbulence in his expression, as if he was thinking fiercely about something, and he did not make a decision himself.

He and Han Jiangque looked at each other silently and warily, and neither of them spoke
One minute, two minutes, five minutes, eight minutes...

Until a crisp ringtone rang, Zhuo Yuan's side followed by a has not been touched Alpha answered the phone, just "um" a few sounds, and then rushed to Zhuo Yuan's ear, whispered: "There is a letter from there, our people have received the old man, which said that there was a major new material received above, return this case first, and then make up the formalities."

"Zhuo Yuan, is there anything

Han Jiang Que asked.

Han Jiang Que was also looking at Zhuo Yuan, not knowing why, at this time Zhuo Yuan's look made him still feel faintly
Zhuo Yuan did not answer immediately.

From any common sense point of view, Zhuo Yuan had already gotten what he wanted.
In a short period of time, the Zhuo family was indeed seriously injured, but it was also difficult to fall in the same place again, at least in the next time, Zhuo Ning could quickly flee overseas.

This is of course a huge blow to Zhuo
Yuan. But if it wasn't for his desperate bet, directly playing black, and holding

Han Jiangque hostage, even this step of counterattack would have been a failure - not to mention that Zhuo Li, who was an official, was saved the whole time, although this also meant that Zhuo Ning was almost sacrificed, but as long as Zhuo Li was still there, the Zhuo family would always have a comeback.

This was a crucial step to turn defeat into victory, but even Zhuo Yuan himself did not understand why he still felt very turbulent
He stared at Han Jiangque, and behind Han Jiangque was the entrance to the parking
Outside, a winter sun shines like a dazzling light from another
At that moment, Zhuo Yuan suddenly felt extremely lonely.

He knew that even if he won today, from now on, Han Jiangque would still live in a different world with Wen Ke, a warm world he had never been
This feeling stimulated his pain as never

Han Jiang Que narrowed his eyes slightly and urged.

Zhuo Yuan looked down at the soot in his hand, blew it, and then suddenly said, "Tonight is WenKe's product launch,
right?" That app, it's called Last Love, right? <
Han Jiangque suddenly felt a strong uneasiness, but he still couldn't figure out what the reason for this uneasiness

He covered his chest, in fact, after a while, the pain when he inhaled had become more and more intense, and he knew that his physical condition actually needed to be treated in time, so he had to quickly reply: "Yes."

"I can let you

go." But you have to make another call. Zhuo Yuan smiled, lowered his head and extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and then jumped off the car cover: "I want you to call Wen Ke and tell him to cancel the release of the last love, let him notify those media to send a temporary press release, indicating that the product development of the app suddenly found major flaws, and it is impossible to be listed normally within a year-"

It wasn't just Han Jiangque who asked this question, even the secretary-like Alpha beside Zhuo Yuan turned his head in surprise, it was obvious that this was a sudden change, and even the people on Zhuo Yuan's side were completely
"Mr. Zhuo, time is pressing, this place is too close to the Han family, we don't want to be outside..." The secretary frowned and tried to stop it, but was immediately stopped by Zhuo Yuanyi's
"I've made it very
Zhuo Yuan said lightly, "Han Jiangque, you asked Wen Ke to cancel the product release, and I let you
Han Jiang Que looked at Zhuo Yuan in shock and hissed, "Zhuo

Yuan? WWhat does this have to do with Wen Ke's app, he

worked so hard to make the last

love successfully launched, why do you..." Zhuo Yuan also closed his eyes, and for a few seconds, he was also asking himself: Why?
You've got the results you want, haven't
Zhuo Yuan took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, there were almost a few strands of blood under his
He suddenly smiled at Han Jiangque.

a... Let Han Jiangque never forget the smile.
Zhuo Yuan's eyes were black, that kind of black, not in the sense of color, but made people feel like they were caught in the darkness of a terrible swamp, and his smile made people shudder.

Zhuo Yuan smiled and whispered to him, "Because the last thing I want is to see Wen Ke
succeed." The

moment he said these words, Zhuo Yuan felt more comfortable than ever.
"I don't hate Wen Ke, but Han Jiangque, he left me, I really hope he can live in failure and misfortune
The opposite of love, it turns out, is not

When a person finally calmly faces the evil in his heart, he is so
happy. CCompared to the Zhuo family's hatred for Han Jiangque, he thought that the ultimate

pain in his life was to see others get the happiness he couldn't have.

In order not to allow this happiness to exist in this world, he would rather destroy it with himself.

Zhuo Yuan handed the mobile phone he had just held in his hand to Han Jiangque and said, "Call him, Han Jiangque."

Han Jiang Que felt the air he inhaled in his chest

He had never felt such a deep fear, not even a few minutes before, when even his own life was in
In the face of such a rare evil thought in the world, it takes great
Han Jiangque felt his soul torn in half, half of the little boy hiding in the corner crying in pain, and half of the adult him roaring angrily trying to tear Zhuo Yuan
His eyes looked directly at Zhuo Yuan, and his dark eyes flashed with a thick sense of disgust and
But at that moment, Zhuo Yuan didn't care anymore and calmly repeated, "Call
Han Jiangque knew that any argument was meaningless, and nothing could convince Zhuo

Even if he knew in his heart that the last love was Wen Ke's whole effort, Zhuo Yuan wouldn't
The moment he answered the phone, a blazing flame burned in his
heart. <
Han Jiangque's fingers trembled, but he did not delay half a moment, and he dialed Out Wen Ke's number one number and one
The sunlight outside the parking lot was getting hotter and hotter, as if it were shining straight on his back, and a drop of crystal sweat appeared on the tip of his

"Beep—beep—" The phone rang twice, and a familiar voice came over there: "Hello?"
Please ask which one. "

"...... It's me.
Han Jiangque took a deep breath, and in front of Zhuo Yuan and the fierce Alpha around him, he clenched the phone, as if hugging the gentle Omega on the other side of the

"Han Xiaoque?"

Wen Ke was obviously a little surprised, and asked like a cannonball: "How did you change your
number?" Did you go home? Got it done? "Xiao

Han Jiang Que said softly, "I have something to say to
you." "I'm

Wen Ke smiled.

The alpha, who was wearing a black vest next to him, came up, already menacingly raising his dagger and staring at him silently, obviously urging
But at that moment, Han Jiangque's heart was very clear and
In front of Zhuo Yuan and the Alpha who surrounded him, he whispered, "I miss you, Xiao
Ke." CCan you promise me one thing?
Han Jiang Que suddenly became

His confession was followed by another important sentence, and even Zhuo Yuan frowned, but it did not stop
And Wen Ke obviously sensed that something was wrong: "Han Xiaoque?
What are you talking about? Did something happen to you? "Brother,

I love you."
Han Jiangque suddenly smiled softly and whispered, "You promised me that you would never forget the time in our love—all my love for you is there, don't forget
me." "Han

Jiang Que! What are you talking about? Where are you!
Wen Ke's voice suddenly raised sharply: "You

speak——! "Fuck."

Zhuo Yuan finally realized that something was wrong, scolded fiercely, and the other Alpha also rushed up to grab the
But it was too late, Han Jiangque had already slammed the mobile phone on the ground, stepping on two feet with all his strength, and it seemed that it was scrapped.

The other stout Alpha directly punched Han Jiang que to the ground, and the scene was
Of course, his mind was not as thoughtful as Fu Xiaoyu and Wen Ke, but he had an instinctive, beast-like instinct for survival, and the more he reached the point of life and death, the more intense his sensitivity and willpower burst
This kind of life and death, even beyond his personal life, is a deadly struggle between good and
evil. <
While his head slammed heavily into the cement floor, Han Jiangque's heart was incomparably
The whole world was chaotic, but it was like a comedy silent film that slowed
Everyone seemed to be moving so slowly, their hands and feet stretched long by the sun, looking extremely
Zhuo Yuan was cursing something, he unbuttoned his coat with his backhand and threw it aside, and then fiercely held out his hand to the side of his
One of them handed him a thick steel bar that was casually thrown aside in the parking
Han Jiangque held his head with his hand and skillfully protected his important parts, but then he was twisted back by someone, and a person's leather shoes stomped on his finger bones fiercely, and his fingers were fractured in an
instant. And the others stubbornly pressed his struggling limbs, while Zhuo Yuan lifted the steel

bar high and smashed it hard against the gland on the back of his neck—— ...

In fact, the moment the steel bar was lifted, Zhuo Yuan's heart also thought a
At what second in life there is no turning
Later he thought, it was actually this
But he was so
After a long time, he couldn't even tell whether he had fallen in love with Wen Ke before he became jealous of Han Jiang Que, or whether he had already deeply hated this
Alpha. <
But there was a secret that he never told anyone.

In the inter-school sports meeting of the second year of high school, Han Jiang que had a cold for two weeks, so many of the projects he had originally covered were temporarily assigned to other Alphas in the class, and Zhuo Yuan was assigned a 400-meter run with a relatively simple substitute, and the race was scheduled for the last
At that time, in order to be able to make some achievements, he came to the school track every day before dawn to practice running, and after ten days of intensive training, he was full of ambition and wanted to win a championship for the
But what he never expected was that on the last day, Han Jiangque was actually
The class teacher naturally returned the running project to the sports athlete Han Jiangque, and Han Jiangque also led the second place far away without suspense, and won the first
On that day, everyone in the class was happy and toasted with Coke.
Nobody cares

about his mood -- why is it the last day?

Why was his project taken away?
Ten years on, no one knows about this little
But he didn't forget the day he sat in the corner, silently watching the mood of others congratulating Han Jiangque, including of course Wen Ke, who was circling around Han Jiangque like a "dog".

He was jealous of Han Jiangque.

Sartre said: The other is
Han Jiang Que was his
hell. <
In fact, few people can understand that extreme jealousy is the horror emotion that completely transcends
hate. Jealousy was so

intense -- as long as han Jiang Que existed in this world, it was a torment for him.

As long as Han Jiang que exists, he will always live in an endless hell compared with others.
Han Jiangque possessed Wen Ke, which was only the heaviest and final blow in this jealousy.

Zhuo Yuan had thought countless times: If only Han Jiang Que could disappear from this
But one cannot disappear out of thin
So every second, every second that Han Jiangque didn't disappear was a deeper torture for
From now on, he wants to be completely liberated.

This has nothing to do with the hatred of the Zhuo family, only about his own shackles.

The winter sun sprinkled warmly from the outside, and the time like gold shattered and gently sprinkled on Han Jiangque's
In the golden light, blood burst out and splashed on the Land Rover.

Through the blood-colored broken car window, Han Jiangque's eyes kept staring at his mobile phone inside The Land Rover.

Before the crash, he was recording the last love stand in the time
And this recording program has not been terminated to this day, from the time he was hit by a car, to the key message that he said that it was an abandoned parking lot on the road, to the whole process of his
As long as the time capsule has been recorded for 20 minutes, it will automatically upload the entire audio to the terminal server, and as long as Wenke goes to tune the audio file, it will definitely be able to get
Han Jiangque still remembers the first time he played a boxing match, the coach was an American, and when he gave him encouragement, he repeatedly told him: "Han, you just gotta he a little

Before making this decision, Han Jiangque gambled three things with
First, I bet WenKe could understand his
Second, I bet that I have experienced many years of boxing competitions to resist beatings.

Third, t-gamble - evil is not

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