Chapter 5 - Panic

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Chapter 5 — Panic

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"Natsume! Natsume! Natsume! NATSUME!" Yuuki pounds her knuckles on the door to Natsume's apartment, yelling desperately for him to open up. Her hair is dishevelled, her eyes bloodshot and her PJs hanging loosely on her small frame.

"What—Yuuki?" The door finally opens revealing the groggy red-head, his eyes wide in panic. "What's wrong? What happened—" Before he can get another word in, Yuuki shoves her phone forward, accidentally bashing it into his nose. The man stumbles for a moment before reading what the screen displays and taking a moment to process it in his sleepy state. Yuuki waits impatiently for Natsume's response, fidgeting frantically with the pockets of her pants. Slowly a smile creeps onto his face, his eyes lifting from the phone, filled with pride. "Congratulations—"

"Hold it!" Yuuki interrupts. "I haven't gotten the job yet!" She takes back her device and locks the screen, the letter from Eden Games fading to black. "They want an interview this Monday, but... Ugh, I'm not ready for this! It's so stressful!"

Natsume beckons Yuuki inside and the female path finds towards the couch, sitting down on it and pulling her legs up to get comfortable. The latter navigates to the small kitchen, preparing two mugs and some hot water.

"That's still good news," Natsume reasons. "Have you gone for a job interview before?"

"...Not really? This cafe job I have was mostly gotten through Masaomi because of my...situation a few years back. And my other work is self-employed stuff."

"If you're worried, that's understandable, but you shouldn't be. The role you're applying for is entry-level and you've been one of our playtesters for a few years. I know that will go in your favour, and I'll help you get everything ready." When Natsume notices the continued fidgeting of his companion, he sighs, finishes his task of drink making and takes a seat beside Yuuki. "I've seen what you can do, Yu. You're motivated, creative and a right ball of chaos. You've got a lot of potential for this job and I'm sure they'll see that too."

This gets a smile on Yuuki's face and when she notices the steaming cup of tea made especially for her, it only grows wider.

"Do you have anything to wear for the interview?"

"Not exactly," Yuuki replies. "The best thing I have is my work pants and the suit I wore to Miwa and Rintaro's Wedding."

"Are you working Monday?"

"Only till 12. Why?"

"I'll pick you up from work and we'll go shopping before the interview. It's scheduled for the evening right?"

"Yeah at 4:30—But shouldn't you be at work that day too?"

"I'll call in the morning, say something came up."

"No wait, I don't want to inconvenience anyone."

"You won't be, so relax." Natsume runs a hand over Yuuki's hair, flattening as much of the sleepy mess as possible. "I'll get breakfast started for us."

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Im so sorry for one, the late chapter, and two, the shortness of it. As a bit of a catch up, I recently got married and have been spending a lot of time with my new husband! BUT I still wanted to get something out to you all this month so I offer this as payment.

But, regardless of all that, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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