Chapter 1 - Where We Are Now

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Chapter 1 — Where We Are Now

. .. ✧ ❀ _____________ ❀ ✧  .. .

"Good morning, Em."

A pleasantly familiar voice reaches Ema Hinata's ears over the sounds of a Sunday morning cafe. She lifts her head from the table, notes of paper spread here and there, a coffee half-dunk left to the side. "Good morning as well, Yu," she greets her friend as they sit across the table.

Yuuki Yoshino smiles brightly, placing her bag down by her feet. It has been a hot minute since the two women have caught up, with Ema's college work and Yuuki's cafe job. So it's an uplifter for them both to finally be able to relax.

"How have you been?" Yuuki asks excitedly.

"A little stressed with assignments," Ema admits, now packing away her papers. "They are working us a lot harder this year. Yusuke has been struggling a lot too. I've tried helping him as much as possible."

"That's all you can really do. He texted me a bit ago for some help. So I'll see what I can do for him."

"Thank you."

"Speaking of you two, how's the relationship going?"

Ema's face involuntarily gains a few shades of red. "Good. We're going good."

"As I've said, if any of the brothers, It would be him. He was crushing on you waaaay before you became his sister. And he cares a lot, so I'm happy for you that it's working out."

"Thank you, Yu. It means a lot. If it was this time last year you would have beaten him for asking me out."

"You're not wrong! Now, enough talk about that, or I'll gag."

Ema lets out an exasperated laugh. "You realise one day you will find someone who makes you feel things that you can't run away from."

"Oh, I very much can, and I will. It's called a chase for a reason. And don't forget, Asexuals exist."

Ema sighs once more and leaves it there. She passes a menu to Yuuki to look over, grabbing one for herself after. No matter how many times the topic is brought up, Yuuki avoids it like the plague. It's like kids with cooties back in primary school. One mention of love, and she retches. She can respect people in relationships, but won't physically hang around them for long.

Ema hopes one day she will understand what it's like to feel this way for someone.

Yuuki drops her keys noisily on her kitchenette, the sound echoing around the hollow space. Her apartment has stayed rather bare since she first moved in. Her valuable possessions are all here, but nothing much for entertainment but books and a small tv. But she likes it this way.

After inspecting the fridge and deciding that shopping is imminent, Yuuki turns to the cupboards for anything substantial to eat. It's been a few hours since her meet-up, and her stomach is at war.

A wrapping of knuckles on her door rings through the apartment. It's so familiar that the female doesn't need to look up as the door swings open.

"Hey, Natsume," Yuuki greets as the man enters. He has a spare key, so as long as he knocks, he can come right in—this admittedly took some convincing before Yuuki caved. "What do you need?"

"The company has another game for you to test," Natsume Asahina replies, holding up a package. His pleasantly orange hair practically glows from the evening sun peeking through the window, contrasted by the dark work uniform he's still adorned in.

"Oh, nice! Is there a due date for this one?"

"Latest, two months from now. It's not too long, but there are a lot of side quests."

"I have a lot of free time, so I'll be able to smash it out, no worries." Yuuki paces over and takes the game from Natsume. She questions opening it now but decides against it as her stomach gives another uncomfortable squeeze.

"Have you put any thought into my offer?" Natsume asks. He adjusts his loose tie and rolls his shoulders in exhaustion. Yuuki watches for a moment before zoning back in.

"... I'll need to think on it some more."

"Alright. But the position won't be open for long."

"I know..."

. .. ✧ ❀ _____________ ❀ ✧ .. .

Hey all you guys and gals out there! Looks who's finally back!

I hope you're all as exited as I am for this sequel! It been in the works for some time, but you know life, it loves getting in the way (especially since this book was started back in Dec of 2021).

A few things before we start:

I have not actively researched what happens after the Anime finishes, so whatever happens in this story is not cannon. 

This is set just under two years after the last book, so expect some things to have changed.

Lastly, feel free to let me know how you're feeling about the story or if you sort anything out of place. No pressure tho!

And with that, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye~

∙ ❀ Philophobia ❀ ∙Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora