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Bekah sat alone in her second period class, wondering what Bianca's plan would become to investigate Harrison's murder. Bekah jumped slightly as Amelia slammed her books down on the table.

"What were you and Bianca talking about?" Amelia spatted the name out like it was poison to her. Amelia hated Bianca for the mere reason Bianca and Amelia got in a fight freshman year.

"Nothing, just cheer stuff. She may have some old cheer gear for me." Bekah lied "Mhm, sure. Let me guess she is trying to be your best friend again?"

"Excuse me but get out of my seat." Amelia turned back to look at Devon who stood there with his arms crossed.

"It's not your seat." Amelia barked back making Devon roll his eyes "Hey teacher? Can you please tell Amelia here to remove herself from my chair?" Mr. Talon looked up from his book and slowly nodded.

"Amelia please move to another seat." Amelia scoffed and gathered her things before giving Bekah a quick glare and moving seats.

"You're welcome." Devon sat down and looked over at Bekah who merely nodded "You heard about Harrison right?" Devon questioned.

"The police think it was you." Bekah whispered so only he could hear "What the fuck?" Devon's eyes widened and Bekah only nodded "It was the night of James' party too." Devon sat back in his chair and sighs.

"I was with you." Devon pursed his lips as Bekah only sat there unfazed by his words.

"Bianca is making a plan to investigate on the side to figure out who murdered Harrison." Devon's eyebrows furrowed together as he moved slightly closer to Bekah.

"Why?" Was all his gravel like voice spoke sending a chill down Bekah's spine.

"So no one has to find out about what we were doing." Bekah answered honestly making Devon nod slowly "I'll be helping." Devon sat back and looked forward allowing Bekah to understand the conversation was over.

The bell dismissed class and Devon was the last one to leave class yet again. He walked down the halls alone, he was the definition of a loner in these halls. And even when he was at home.



5pm today. Football practice, something Robert was looking forward to for once.

The field was hustling hard as James put real pressure on the team to succeed. Robert was completely wrapped up in the game when he heard a player calling to stop "What the actual hell?" Dante- one of the football players questioned as the players stopped and watched Devon walk onto the field.

"Here for practice." Devon announces and James stepped forward extending his hand allowing Devon to take it for a hand shake.

"You will be our new quarter back- if you can keep up." James smirked which let Devon know he was playing with him.

"Alright boys! Let's play." The game had started, and it was turning into a rough game quickly as a couple players had their eyes on Devon.

Devon collided with the ground once more feeling the pain radiate through his shoulder and then his muscles. He gritted his teeth as he pushed himself off the ground and looked at Dante with a glare, he pushed himself to continue though.

"Enough!" James hollered out as the practice came to an end.

"Well how'd the murderer do?" Devon froze for a moment as Robert glanced over at him- how the hell did others find out??

"Back off D. Devon is apart of our team now and you will respect." An instant feeling of relief washed Devon as he heard he was apart of the team now.

"We're seriously letting him on the team?!" Dante protested.

"He took more hits than the average player does in practice and still got up and scored more than you do Dante." James pointed out letting Devon smirk in victory.

"Welcome to the team #9." Robert patted Devon on the shoulder as he walked past him.

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