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She moved around effortlessly as she thought she was alone, the music pounded through her veins as she felt the energy and continued to put books away. She jumped and removed her earphones as she noticed her twin standing there "You got bad moves, sis. It's about time to head out, can we go now?" It was their thing.

To walk home together after work, it was to make sure that nothing happened to Robert or Bekah.

"Yeah, let's go." The twins reminded you of best friends and not much of brother and sister.

They gathered their things and left the shop making sure to lock up as they left "It's unbearably cold today." Bekah was the twin who was more likely to not wear a winter coat as she liked her denim jackets and heavy sweatshirts.

Both the twins did have one thing in common- their vocal abilities to tell one how they really felt. The Huntsman twins were bold, snarky and they never sugar-coated anything which bought both of them more friends who admired their honesty and ability to be so blunt.

"Wear an actual coat." Robert chuckled as he nudged his sister with his shoulder and she side glanced him.

They looked ahead as they heard cheering and shouting to see two young men in the middle of a fist fight and the taller light skinned, dark haired boy was winning. All it took was a quick two taps to the arm from Bekah to signify to her brother that they needed to run together to stop this fight.

The twins ran side by side as they made their way towards the fight "Stop! Stop it!" Bekah screeched as she grabbed at the taller boy as her twin proceeded to shove the smaller boy away glaring at him with a look that told him to not try anything.

Bekah stared into his darker eyes as she realized it was the boy from the store earlier who was in a fight, she was shocked. Bekah was in utter disbelief that such a decent and nice guy from earlier could be caught in the middle of a horrible fist fight just mere hours later.

"Becks, come on." Robert grabbed his sister's hand and pulled her down the street as they left Devon to stand there alone feeling particularly stupid for letting the first two people he had met here- who he may have actually had a decent friendship with know of his darkest secret; his temper.

Bekah looked at her brother as they both shared the same distraught and shaken look "Talk about excitement." Robert joked making Bekah give him a slight smirk "You're not funny." Robert linked his arm with his twin sisters arm as they strolled down the sidewalks pavement.

"That was Devon. Devon Clarkson the one you have to give a tour to tomorrow." Bekah pointed out breaking the silence and Robert sighed heavily "Fuck. I hope he doesn't punch me." Robert hadn't known that was who he had to give a tour to tomorrow and now he dreaded it terribly.

"I'll help you, and if he throws a punch- well two twins is better than one twin." Robert chuckled as he looked at his sister and shook his head "What will you do? Throw a book at him?" Robert teased.

"Actually I would prefer to throw a punch." Bekah was fierce like a lion and as brave as anyone could be in this new modern world. And, little did she know how much Robert admired that about her.

Devon watched the twins walk away before he turned on his heel and left the very spot he had stayed standing, he was dreading tomorrow as well.


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