Tracy a wicked and she fool me.
Me no want her back inna me life, me cyaa go trust her again  a swear. Na go take no more chance with her.

I only hope I meant those words.

I was walking on the side walk by now and I could hear her foot step behind me.

"Chris come on, I didn't mean to hurt you, I am sorry. I was not thinking clearly and I know I messed up badly but your the one that I want!" She shouted in the middle of the busy road trying to catch up with me.

A wah do deh idiot ya man!

"Derek was just some one I had a crush on since I was younger and it didn't go any further than than the kissing and I instantly regretted it because I was with you!" She continued.

And she expect me to believe that?

Look how easy she did make me do "things to her"

She was so fucking easy!

"Please just make we go talk some where no."

She determine you fuck

I stopped dead in my track and waited on her to catch up to me.

"Thank you." I turned and looked at her and her eyes glistened with water.
I wanted to hug her

To tell her that I forgave her and that we could start all over.

But mi ano wa fucking idiot.
Me no want her back.

"We can go over the park and talk." I said and guided her towards the stretch.

The walk there was silent and I tried not to look on her because she was so beautiful.

She had on a tight fitted black dress that clung to her in the right place. Her hair was in her favorite style, a messy bun. Even though she had tears in her eyes she still looked amazing.

Her smile is the most breathtaking site to see, it lights up any room she is in. The glow that radiates from her when she is happy is astonishing. Its a shame that she was no where smiling today.

She cause that on her self still
She really loose wa good thing inna her life.

I love seeing her out of her uniform, her uniform hid everything.

She was infront of me by now and she looked amazing from the front but from the back she had a right to be driving me crazy.

"I know that I was the one who hurt you and I know that what I am asking is  next to impossible but I.. I...I .. was wonder if we could give this a next try. Whatever happened between me and Derek was a mistake and I am the only one to be blame because I didn't stop him when he kissed me. I was just overwhelmed with my family issue and school and was just letting everything get to my head---"

She really ago say a because a her family and school mek she bun me!
If she did wa somebody fi kiss why she never call me fi kiss her.
Hell me woulda kiss her any weh she want.
Cho bloodclaat!

"---I just want you back in my life , you were so good to me. You made happy. I love you Chris." She sobbed.

"Tracy I don't know yah man, this a too much. You break me trust and I don't know how this ago ever go back to where we were. Hell everytime me look on you or even think about you a you and deh boy deh mi a see and it hurt me." My voice was beginning to break and i was not going to let her see me cry.

"I understand and you have every right to hate me but please see if we could..if not... we could atleast be  friends. I love you Chris and I don't want to loose the best thing that have ever happened to me."

Looking at her now. This was the most she have ever said pertaining to her feelings. Normally she was so reserved on that side but who would have thought that because she "bun me"  thats why she was opening up.

"I am so sorry." She pleading. She was looking at me with those beautiful eyes letting me get lost in them. She made me vulnerable.

I did what i promise myself I was not going to do.

My heart began to pound, I stood there staring at her desire trailed to my heart.

My fingers touched her neck sending chills down my spine, I longed to touch her. She shivered against my touch.

My heart was about to pound out of my chest.

I closed my eyes letting a deep breath out.

I kiss her shoulders letting my lips linger at the base of her neck. She tilted her head giving me the go ahead to bite her gently. I didn't want to hurt her.

I grabbed her hands placing them in mine pulling her close so  she could rest her head on my chest and we just stayed there for a while.

She smelled amazing.

"I love you too but I need time." I whispered in her ears and pulled away.

"I got to go back to work, talk later." I left her standing there.

I wonder if she was just has confused as me?


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