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(December 19th) (This is not a dating ship, it is just Dadzawa looking out for one of his problem children.)

Aizawa's pov

It was 10 pm, everyone was in their dorm room and I was just about to head to me and mic's dorm.
As I was walking I heard sniffling from one of the dorms. Everyone was supposed to be sleeping so I traced where I heard the sniffling. Bakugou's dorm? I question myself. I knock on his door and heard shuffling, and then the door nob turns and I can see the tired puffy eyed blond. "Hey Bakugou, can I come in?" (A) "do whatever" (B)
I walk in and he goes on his bed and lays on his back. I could tell something is wrong with Bakugou so I took my phone out and texted mic explaining what I am going to do and to not expect me back tonight.
I then put my phone on Bakugou's dresser and climb into his bed on the other side of him. "What the hell are you doing old man?" (B) "I'm going to sleep, I advise you to go to bed too." (A) "whatever old man" (B).
I pull Bakugou into a hug and he didn't struggle much, he just tucked his head into my chest a bit. I wrap my arms firmly but not too tightly around his waist. I wait until he falls asleep and then fall asleep myself.

*the next day* (still Aizawa's pov)

I wake up with the blond still sleeping, I take a glance at the clock and it's nine am. I smirk a little and then unwrap myself and get out of his bed. I quickly jut down a little note, telling him that if he needing anything I'd be in the staff room marking some papers.
I leave it on his dresser and grab my phone and head to the staff room. "You really tell me you aren't like those kids' dad?" I hear Mic chuckle and say. I nod and then get on with marking and grading some boring test papers.

Word count: 350

Bottom Bakugou and Tsukkikage one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora