Trans Kageyama (Tsukkikage)

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(December 11th) Part 1 out of 2

Tsukishima's POV

Last night kags had a sleepover by my house. I made sure i wouldn't do anything to make his dysphoria act up because I know he is trans. He decided he didn't mind sleeping in my bed with me.
I woke up with kags cuddling me and I feel wetness between my legs around my crotch area? I carefully move my body and lift the sheet up to see why my pants were wet. I noticed blood? I breathe a sigh of relief I didn't have a wet dream and he is just on his period.
I get up and I grab some extra supplies I have in my room Incase anything like this happened and put them in the bathroom on the ground. I walk over to the bed. "Kags, get up" I say. "K-kei? Why? It's early" he asks, "you got your period when you were asleep, it would be more comfortable for you if you take a bath and change." "O-oh, sorry Kei, I'll clean it up I promise." He says while starting to cry. "Hey sweetheart, go take a bath, I'll get the bedsheets and our clothes and wash them and change them while your bathing, there are some supplies I put in the bathroom on the ground for you." I said looking very serious. He sees this and just nods and walks to the bathroom.

Word count:241

A/N: sorry this is so short. Thanks for reading tho!

Bottom Bakugou and Tsukkikage one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ