Chapter 15

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If I had been wearing any more layers, I could've gotten knocked down by a truck and wouldn't have felt a thing. Absolutely nothing. Hell, even my limbs felt disconnected from my body. My cheeks were flushed red and my toes and fingertips were toasty. That was down to them lying beneath the three pairs of fluffy socks and one pair of Peppa Pig gloves. The house was warm enough as it was so the extra clothes made me sweat.

I gave my girlfriend a reproachful look as she turned to face me. She didn't notice or chose to ignore it. Jennie only had eyes for any skin that might be visible. As a scarf was looped around my neck, I glanced over Jennie's shoulder to Lisa and Jisoo, both wearing matching smirks as they watched the show.

Jennie made sure every inch of my body was covered in some sort of fabric, bar my face and if the goggles on the couch were any indication, that little-exposed portion of my face would soon be covered up.

"Are you sure we need this?" I asked, releasing a slow sigh.

"You're the one insisting we go outside."

"To sit on the porch, Jennie."

"Rosie, you're sick," she explained to me as though I were a child and fetched the goggles from Lisa's waiting finger. "Yesterday you were delirious. I'm not sure you're not just as gone as you were yesterday. You never want to go outside."

My eyes rolled. "I just wanted to get my cuddles on. That doesn't mean I was delirious."

"We could hear you crying from here," Jisoo said, eyebrows raised.

"Because we were cuddling wrong," Jennie told them, smirking at my betrayed expression.

"You know what? I don't need this. Especially now that I feel like a whale."

Jennie looked me up and down, slowly nodding her head. "A cute whale."

I scoffed. "Are you calling me fat?"


"That's it." I took long steps, struggling to turn around to march out of the house. My arms were outstretched and my body tilted back and forth, waddling like a penguin. I managed to get out into the hallway and grabbed the front door's handle before Jennie decided my head start needed ceasing. "We're going outside and we're going to let this icy air fill our lungs."

She wrapped her arm around mine and said, "You won't be able to sit down."

I nodded firmly, opening the door. "Then I'll be strong and stand."

Together, we wandered outside and managed to get down the steps leading up to the house. Slowly but surely, we made our way to the garden, toward Frosty the snowman. He still stood strong and tall, just like the day we made him. His stick arms stretched abnormally far and the scarf he wore made me blush uncontrollably. Memories of falling and creating a head sized gap in his stomach flooded my brain and consequently, the feelings from that memory arose too.

Jennie stood quietly by my side, absentmindedly rubbing her hand up and down the side of my waist.

My thoughts were all too mushy and warm to deal with, so with a lot of effort, I bent down, scooped up a bunch of snow-calling it a snowball would be an insult because of its weird shape, and smashed it against the side of Jennie's jacket.

She closed her eyes, wiped the snow from her arm with one brush and said, "You're so childish."

Jennie didn't see the next snowball coming.

Honestly, I didn't expect to be tackled to the ground either so I guess we were even.

Despite the excessive amount of clothing, the cold from the snow seeped through the fabric and made my skin feel like ice.

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