Chapter 13

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So, now that it was confirmed that we were you know, in love, the fact that I was alone in my house, lounging around on a couch didn't feel quite as pathetic as it usually did. The beat my heart made, the throbbing, reminded me of Jennie. It almost felt like her palm rested on top of my chest, feeling it heave up and down. Of course, that wasn't the case. She wasn't here. No one was here.

The patio door kept allowing swift, whirls of wind to howl and knock against the glass, making the already cold house seem like an igloo. After much thought of getting up to rid myself of the problem, the problem being my shaking body, I eventually made my numb limbs get up and waddled into my bedroom.

There were only a few embers left in the fire. Another turf or two thrown into the lingering flames fixed that. Even sat in front of the fireplace, wrapped in the fuzziest blanket, didn't feel as lonely as it should have. The curtains in my room were closed. Its aqua blue colour, merged with the orange flickers of the fire, created a warm and soothing environment for my haziness.

I don't recall falling asleep, but I did and my consciousness came back with a sharp breath when the front door had jangling keys dug into it.

The door to my room creaked open, making my vision rapidly clear up.

"Oh, it's just you," I said, hearing multiple footsteps outside in the hallway too.

"Who else would sneak into your room at this time of night?" she asked, eyes practically twinkling with mirth.

"Um. Burglars. Not my abundance of lovers or anything."

"Hmm. Is this your idea of full body protection?" Jennie asked, stepping into the bedroom, surveying it by dragging her gaze all around and finally returned back to me. She pointedly looked at the blanket. "I'm not sure if that would prevent sharp objects penetrating your body..."

"I'm blending in with the floor," I claimed.

"Yes, because your toes are apart of the attire."

The body part she spoke of wiggled. "Have a fun night?"

She nodded, taking off her coat to reveal a wonderous, black dress. "Yes."

"Good. Now, I might have to go back to sleep, your prettiness is getting to me," I admitted, closing my eyes and sinking beneath the blanket.

"I'm rapidly growing to regret going out tonight."

"Why? Did something happen? Are you okay?" I shot off questions, sitting up as fast as I could.

Jennie laughed with her back to me, she pulled her hair to the front of her body, exposing the zipper only partially down on her dress. She glanced over at me, shaking her head and silently motioned for me to help her out of the dress. I made a grunting sound as I unwrapped myself from the blanket and unzipped her quickly and flopped back down to my knees.

She released a scoff at my hasty actions and turned around. This action nearly caused my heart to rupture because well, she was hardly wearing much underneath, was she?

I licked my lips but decided to pay attention to my blanket and started putting it in the proper position to curl back beneath. Apparently, that decision was not appreciated because Jennie scoffed once more, making me grin. I let my body fully be submerged by the blanket and looked back up at the grumpy looking girl.

"Like I said, you're overwhelming me," I admitted.


"So, my response to your... um." I waved at her and patted the space next to me. "Is a little cuddling, a dash of kissing and you know, romantic nestling by the open fire?"

December Kisses || chaennieWhere stories live. Discover now