December 21st - The Snow's Return!

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Author's Note: HAPPY FIRST DAY OF WINTER!! It's winter so why not start the new season with the reappearance of the snow!

"Hurry up and put on your winter boots on, Erwin!" Levi said, putting on boots of his own.

Today, the snow made a comeback as four inches of it appeared all over the neighborhood. This gave Levi the perfect opportunity to go build another snowman, this time with Erwin by this side!

Speaking of the blonde, he was now rushing downstairs, trying to catch up with his impatient boyfriend. He felt the cold winds blow in front of him, which indicated that Levi was already out the door. He picked up the pace.

"I'm here!" Erwin ran to Levi and paused to catch a breath. "Why are we out here again?"

Levi turned to him. "You promised we'd build snowmen together."

"Oh yeah. Forgot"

"It's okay, old man." Levi patted his shoulder, noticing something odd about him.

"You're wearing the wrong shoes."

Hearing this, Erwin sighed, slowly looking down at his shoes to reveal a winter boot on one foot and a dancing shoe on the other foot.

"Why does this happen every time?!" The disappointed man walked back to the house to fix the problem. Levi giggled.

*Time skip brought to you by Erwin's correct pair of shoes!*

Once Erwin came back, Levi started to get to work.

"Okay, you work on a Snowman Heichou while I work on a Snowman Danchou." Levi said, in which Erwin nodded.

Unlike Levi, Erwin wasn't fantastic at making a snowman, but he wanted it to be as detailed a possible. He began to roll three balls of snow in three different sizes: one for the head, one for the abdomen, and one for the bottom part. The blonde placed them on top of each other and tried to sculpt them as best he could.

He took a quick glimpse at Levi and how he was doing with his snowman. The short man was currently putting little pebbles on the snowman to represent the eyes and mouth; he then went away to pick some leaves from a nearby bush. As always, the snowman was perfect and very appealing to Erwin's eyes. Even though it wasn't fully done, Erwin thought it was way better than his.

After five mintues had passed, the two unintentionally screamed in unison, "Done!"

"Ooo, not bad." Levi commented. "But did you have to make Snowman Heichou look angry?"

He angrily pointed at the snowman that looked as pissed off as ever.

"Aww, now it matches your angry expression." Erwin booped Levi's nose, thus receiving a racecar growl.

"Whatever. Does my snowman look good?"

Erwin looked over to see Snowman Danchou. "Yes, it's beautiful. I love how you used the wild blueberries for the eyes and the leaves for my eyebrows."

Levi smiled a bit. "Thanks. I wanted to make it as realistic as possible-"

"Is the height of Snowman Heichou realistic enough?" Erwin asked, smirking.

Levi looked back at the snowman, and then looked as if he wanted to have a tantrum similar to Donald Duck. Instead, he widely smiled."Yes. You can say that."

"Yay!" Erwin hugged Levi.

Levi gasped, pulling away. "Wait, Snowman Danchou is missing something." He took off Erwin's scarf and hat and placed it on the snowman.

"Snowman Heichou is also missing something as well too!" Erwin went for Levi's jacket and hat and put it on his snowman.

"There." They said in unison. It was complete, both snowmen looked just like the ones standing in front, who were now high-fiving each other for their hard work.

"Now let's get inside before we fucking freeze our asses off." Levi suggested, already shivering.

Hands intertwined, they ran back to the house like little ducklings.

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