December 8th - Winter Walk!

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"Tch. I'll be fine without it, it's not that cold." Levi proclaimed, turning down the scarf his boyfriend suggested. He believed he was already warm enough with the jacket on.

"Well, okay, suit yourself." The blonde placed the jacket on the counter and walked over to the door.

The taller man opened the door and out walked a nonchalant Levi, who felt a big gush of cold wind blow directly in his face. He was shivering slightly, feeling like his face would go numb. Erwin was fiddling with the keys, trying to find the key to lock the front door.


Erwin stopped and turned to him. Knowing exactly what he wanted, he smiled and opened the door for him.

'Knew he would change his mind.'

*Time skip brought to you by Levi's easy bake oven*

The park was really quiet when they arrived in the mid-afternoon. It was too cold so very few people came. Instead of going to the hill, they went on the trail, now covered so much with snow, they didn't know where the path or the grass were.

Now equipped with a scarf that covered his mouth and neck, Levi looked around, seeing all the bare trees that stood firmly on the ground. He started to walk, but after a while he turned around as Erwin didn't follow alongside him.

"What the fuck are you doing??"

The happy boyfriend brought out a slice of bread from his coat. Then he was enthusiastically placing breadcrumbs on the ground. "Making a trail!"


Erwin raised one eyebrow as he smiled. "To find our way out of course! Haven't you read Hansel and Gretel?"

"Yeah, but haven't you read further into the book, dumbass? The birds eat the crumbs!"

"Well this is different."

Levi facepalmed. There was no reason to be doing this nonsense. Besides, the two went on this trail lots of times before the snow season occurred. He should obviously know it like the back of his hand.

*Time skip brought to you again by Erwin's eyebrow care routine*

Thirty mintues passed and it was starting to get gradually dark as the sun was about to set. Involuntarily, Levi grabbed onto Erwin's arm.

"It's getting dark." Erwin spoke.

"Yeah, no shit." Levi replied. "Should we turn back now?"


After Erwin dropped his last piece of bread mintues ago, they had gotten so far from it, they didn't know where it was anymore. Plus, the dim-litted atmosphere added more to the situation.

"Shit, Erwin, where the fuck did we start from?" Levi asked, a slight form of worry in his voice.

Using his detective skills he picked up from Scooby-Doo, Erwin sniffed the ground on all fours. Levi felt as if he was going to die from cringing too hard, but followed his weird boyfriend anyway.


The two were saved! Feeling relieved, they successfully walked back to the start of the trail, laughing off their last bits of past nervousness.

"That was fun." Erwin exclaimed. "Maybe we should do it again sometime." He added teasingly, smirking.

"Are you serious?? We're never going on another nature trail again."

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