December 1st - Tree Decorating!

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Author's Note: My writing might be trash since I haven't written a decent fanfiction in months, but let's see if my ELA skills paid off.

"Are you sure you don't want to help me decorate? There's lots of ornaments to place on the tree."

Erwin asked once more as his grumpy boyfriend nodded his head. Levi didn't like indulging in the Chirstmas traditions, it's just the same things over and over again; the tree decorating, the lights, and especially Mariah Carrey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You."

Of course he wasn't like this during his first Chirstmas. You got to admit, he was pretty excited, but after going through the same process over and over again, it didn't have that same effect anymore. At this point, you couldn't tell the difference between him and the Grinch.

"Nah, I'm good," Levi assured, "besides, you always forget to get me a step stool. For real, you always think I'm as tall as your tree-looking ass."

"You don't need a step stool when you have me."


Levi was cut off from his words as Erwin carried him up. Gradually being elevated higher into the air, his fear elevated as well.


"Lol stop overreacting. You're not even close to it-"

Levi gave Erwin the death stare, but Erwin could care less as he smiled at the small blush that crept on the small man's face. Erwin bent over a little to the box of ornaments and gave Levi the star. Levi hesitated and reached for the top to the tree.

"Yay! You did it!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now put me down now."

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