CHAPTER 8: Rescheme and Reintroduction

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A/N: For this chapter's tidbit:

Bōsōzoku is a Japanese subculture associated with gangs and customized bikes. It's basically about rebels running wild with style, and the theme Tokyo Revengers is centered around.

Another long chappie ahead! Now come forget reality for a little while and join Reiya advance in her mission to save the love of her life with her heart and intuition as her only guide, meeting key players along the way and the enemy himself.


〖 Chapter Eight 〗

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Chapter Eight 

Rescheme and Reintroduction


JULY 20, 2005


As it turned out, Reiya did not meet Hina's boyfriend until eleven days later.

They had just gotten out of cram school, walking side by side on the way home just as they had done countless times before in her previous life. Hina's house was in the same direction of the nearest station, but even if it wasn't Reiya would've gone out of her way to prolong their time together.

She didn't have a time limit (something she confirmed ten days ago when she didn't get ejected out of the past even after spending a full 24 hours there, proving her 'having a trigger' hypothesis to be true), but day by day Reiya found it hard to part with Hina. Lately she'd grown afraid of not seeing her, and while she knew her worries came from a future that didn't even happen yet, it couldn't be denied that it had been a future that existed, a future of a previous life that refused to abate its viselike grip on her.

Hina was alive right now but she also died, and a part of Reiya was still struggling to reconcile with that. Sometimes it was hard listening to her best friend talk and not hear her last words over the phone, or to be with her and not see the depth of the bond they built over the years in her bright, innocent eyes.

It didn't help that Hina was so perceptive, either. But more than that, she was understanding and kind. For twice she'd noticed Reiya's change in behavior and had asked outright what was wrong, but she was also quick to believe her after every reassurance.

Having to lie and hide things from her killed Reiya little, and more than once she'd been tempted to tell Hina everything. The only thing stopping her was her vow to keep Hina safe, and well within that sphere was to let her be as carefree as she could be.

Hina didn't need the agonizing weight of knowing about her own death, especially now when she seemed to have a lot on her mind. She did well in keeping her distress from showing on the surface but whatever it was grew heavier by the day, and it showed.

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