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J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan own the characters and everything except the plot. 

The war ended. Percy should be happy, but he wasn't. Thankfully, not many demigods had died. There were only three casualties: Octavian, which no one cared about; Leo, who managed to defeat Gaea; and Annabeth.

Percy pov

I was numb. My Wise Girl was gone. I was sobbing over her body, refusing to move. Athena was also mourning, she actually accepted a hug from my dad.

I'm guessing that the Olympians wanted to reward us on Olympus, or at least Zeus, so the next thing I knew, we were all there. I didn't care. Then the Fates moved my Wise Girl's body away. Zeus started the rewards.

Jason and Piper gained promises from their parents, and a couple gifts. Frank and Hazel got their curses removed. Then it was my turn. However, it was not my father or Zeus that spoke. It was the Fates.

"Brave hero,"

"You have been through much,"

"We see fit to reward you personally." I looked at them with dead eyes.

"I just want my Wise Girl back." The Fates nodded, "Annabeth Chase did die before her time."

"Consider this as a personal apology for Tartarus,"

"But we have another reward in mind."

"One which you have refused before." I was in shock. They were offering immortality. This time, Annabeth was part of the deal, but what about Mom, Paul, my friends?

"I don't want to live forever. I don't want to see my mortal friends and family die."

"Perseus Jackson, you will not lose them as quickly as you fear."

"We have seen this, it is your destiny,"

"And we have seen a time in which you are needed."

"Percy, just go for it! Maybe they will stop bugging you!" Piper yelled.

"But, what about you guys?" I ask them.

"Percy," Hazel said, "we will be fine. You deserve some happiness."

"Yeah, we know you want to help others, try to make things better for everyone else. This is a way that can allow you to do it for a good long time." Everyone supported the idea. Finally, I gave in.

"Fine. I accept." The Fates pulled out two strings. One was sea green, the other was dull and cut. They started chanting the cut string mended, and both strings turned gold. I fell to my knees in pain, as my blood boiled, turning into ichor. I could feel power flowing into me. I essentially felt like the time I accidentally blew up Mt Saint Helens mixed with bathing in the River Styx. Then it stopped.

"Percy?" Looking up, I saw my Wise Girl.

"All hail Perseus Jackson, God of Heroes and Loyalty, the 15th Olympian! All hail Annabeth Chase, Goddess of Knowledge!"

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