Larry's cupcake

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You walk into the kitchen hungry from practicing a routine with the twins. You look in the fridge and see a cupcake with a note on it. The note says "Do not touch-Larry" Even though its Larry's you decided to take it anyways.

Larry comes in the kitchen sweaty and hungry as well. He goes to the fridge and yells your name.

Larry: "Y/n did you take my cupcake?"

You: "This one?"

You held up the cupcake to his face.

Larry: "Yes that one. Why would you touch it? It had my name on it and said do not touch."

You: "I know what it said but I was hungry and didn't feel like making anything to eat."

Larry: "Y/n next time just ask for it and just maybe I'll give it to you. But Goodluck because that cupcake had some stuff in it."

You swallow the rest of the cupcake and throw the rapper away.

You:"what stuff? Its just a cupcake so what could be in it thats bad for me?"

Larry:"oh you'll see."

You both go downstairs with water bottles and sit down and chat while Laurent tells you guys a funny story. After a while you start to feel dizzy.

Laurent: "Ayo Y/n you good? Your eyes are red as hell."

You: "oh I'm good just feeling a little dizzy thats all."

Larry: "Its the cupcake kicking in isn't it?"

You: "Larry what is up with you saying this weird stuff? Its just a cupcake."

Laurent: "Wait did you give her one of the cupcakes you got from drake's party?"

Larry: "Yes but I didn't give it to her she took it out the fridge without me knowing and now she about to be fucked up."

You: "Larry what are you talking about?!"

Larry:"Y/n that cupcake had weed in it, and now you're gonna be high as hell."

You: "What?! Larry help me what do I do?!"

Larry: "I cant do anything you just got to sit it out and wait."

Larry goes upstairs while you sit there watching Laurent laugh at you.

You: "Laurent its not funny can you help me please?"

Laurent: "Nope this is what you get for touching people's stuff."

Laurent goes upstairs as well. While you sit there confused and high as hell.

You: "Larry, Laurent come down here now and help me!!!"

Larry: "Nope this is what you get for touching people's stuff."

You: "oh boy."

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