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I really don't like going to school, with all the nosey kids and annoying teachers. Its all to much for me, but there's these two kids that make it all worth it.

"Bye mom." "Bye sweetheart. Have a good day." I wait for my mom to drive off before I start to walk to the back of the school. I over heard some people talking about a dance battle thats gonna happen here yesterday. I know I'm supposed to be in the school right now but they also said that those kids are gonna be there and I had to see for myself.

I always see them in the hallways but never in the classes. Everytime they are in class the teachers always have a problem with them. One of them sits behind me and the other one sits on the side of me. They always talk a lot and play around.

I always catch myself staring at the one who sits next to me in class. His name is Larry and I think he is so handsome. His twins name is Laurent. I forgot to mention that they are twins. Larry sometimes stares at me and when I catch him he looks away. Everytime I catch him stare Laurent starts to laugh at him.

I hear people in the school talk about how good they are at dancing and like I said before I have to see for myself. I turn the corner and there a few kids back here in a crowd. I scoot my way up to the front and see him on the other side of the crowd. He's sweaty from dancing and he looked upset. I wonder why.

He looks at me and then smiles I look at him and smile back. He winks and then goes in the middle. He starts to dance and omg he is so good. He finishes and the crowd goes wild. When he finishes he moves to where I am and stands by me.

I get a little nervous when he stood next to me. He leans over and Whispers in my ear. "I'm happy that you came." I look at him and smile. "I over heard someone talking about a dance battle so I decided to come and see what was up." "Oh ok thats cool. Um when were done beating them stay behind for a second I would like to talk to you."

"What makes you think that your winning?" I say sarcastically. "Oh please they can't even stay on beat this battle should be over in about 10 minutes." I laugh and he smiles and goes back over to Laurent.

They stop dancing and a kid comes out and starts to say who won the battle. To nobody's surprise the twins won. Everybody starts to leave and the twins and me are the only ones left. "Hey aren't you the girl that I sit behind in class?" "Yea thats me."

"Oh ok cool well I'll see you around. Larry I'll see you in the cafeteria." He leaves while laughing. I stand there confused. Whats his problem?

"So why did you want me to stay behind ?" "Well I want to ask you something." We sit down on a beach. "Well what is it?" I start to get nervous as hell and I start playing with my bracelet. "I was wondering if you would like to go to prom with me?" "Omg really?"

"Yea I've liked you since I first met you in class." " Of course I would love to." He smiles and hugs me. "Ew no hugs your sweaty." He laughs and we both get up. He grabs my hand and we walk into the school. We see Lau and he starts to laugh.

"You guys are so cute." He says in a baby voice. "Don't mind my stupid brother." Larry says while he rolls his eyes. I laugh as the bell rings. We all go to first period and sit where we always sit. With Laurent behind me and Larry right by my side.

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