"So you guys are. . ."

"Yeah." - I sighed, rolling my eyes. - "We are colleagues."

"But it looks like Wheein-ssi. . ." - Taehyung added, as smoothly as how we usually did during scripted broadcasting. ". . . doesn't know we are both associated with Pyeonghwa."

". . . And you."

I concluded with another sigh.

And to add even more weirdness to this weird encounter among people associated with Pyeonghwa and Purple Line, I heard another familiar voice approaching.

Without a look, I could realize who it belonged to.

"Oh my gosh" - Seulgi sounded all exciting as she parted way with some Pyeonghwa volunteers and dashed towards us, wearing the grey polo shirt that was also Pyeonghwa's uniform. - "Wheeinie, Taehyungie? You both have gone public?"


"Okay listen oppa, just so you know, I'm not dating Taehyung."

I glared at Hyojin as I tagged along him for a brief visit to the exhibition.

I excused to Seulgi that I hadn't got the chance to see it to leave the table where Taehyung was ranting about his painting class with her. And going with Hyojin could be an implicit explanation to her question if I and Taehyung was something.

Well, except for the part that I had not assured with Seulgi - again, implicitly - that I and Hyojin was nothing more than siblings, either. In case she has something for him.

I might do it later today. Better late than never.

"Did I ask you to clarify?" - Hyojin laughed as we made our first stop at a coffee stand. - "What I'm about to ask is. . . Why didn't you listen to me?"

I shrugged sassily and Hyojin sighed as if he understood. What could he do to me for not listening? I was here anyway.

With two hot cocoa, we made our way across the outdoor fair with little stalls of drinks and finger food, then through the airy main corridor where framed pictures were hung along, showing flashbacks of Pyeonghwa's milestones ever since its establishment around 10 years ago.

And at the front door to the main hall, I saw myself on the screen, speaking in sign language to instruct visitors about the exhibition layout.

Hyojin spoke up next to me as I was. . . well, lured into the professional-looking Jung Wheein with proper makeup and formal black outfit.

"You look stunning there, Pup."

"Thanks to Yongsun unnie's make up skills and Seulgi unnie's clothes." - I replied jokingly.

Hyojin just laughed and tilted his head to the inside.

"Come on in."

I walked inside, looking closely at each stuff on display while Hyojin silently followed me.

Unlike the timeline of milestones, this area was called Moments of Pyeonghwa, showcasing memories in pictures, videos and writings.

I had only helped Hyojin with the picture part; therefore, I was totally impressed with the videos that were carefully edited and the heartful written sharing from people at Pyeonghwa about how this place changed their perceptions and even their life.

And as I walked along the video section, I came across a surprise. A real surprise.

"Oh shit." - I exclaimed with joy and running towards a small screen on the left side of the hall. "Oppa, I thought we couldn't videotape this performance?"

The Sound Of Heart (2021) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now